Objects Thrown

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"Good evening, my name's Harry and it's an absolute pleasure to be here and play for you tonight

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"Good evening, my name's Harry and it's an absolute pleasure to be here and play for you tonight. Thank you, thank you, thank you so much." Y/N watches Harry introduce himself from the horns section on stage, a big smile set on her face as she watches the fans scream and cheer below her.

Y/N's been a part of Harry's band for a couple of years now and she's never been happier. She's gotten to tour around the world as she witnesses all the fans go crazy over the 'fruit man'. She loves being around him simply because he exudes happiness and joy, she can't ever think of a time where she wasn't smiling and laughing when around her fellow band members.

She liked to think of them as a family, her home away from, and has gotten to care for everyone. They care for her too, always calling her the baby of the group because of her small stance next to everyone, but nevertheless they view her as the little sister.

They're about halfway through 'As It Was' as she watches him prance around the stage and interact with his fans below. He'll occasionally walk over to her side of the stage and interact with them as well, his smile nothing short of contagious as they dance around on stage. You can say they're all pretty close, they've become family to one another with how much time they've spent.

She gets a small weird feeling in her stomach, one that very rarely happens when she's on stage as the show goes on. She shrugs it off as Harry stops the show to talk to some of the fans in the pit, reading some of their signs as they screamed and waved.

Harry chuckles as he reads a particularly funny one and she smiles. She's always loved how comfortable he is with his fans and always interacts as if he's friends with all of them. He reads a couple more and checks on a couple crying fans, making jokes and mocking them with a small smile on his face.

As he introduces the next song, the fans scream even louder and Y/N chuckles at the shock written on his face at how loud they can get. The beginning music of 'As It Was' begins as she begins to play her horn, she jumps around just enjoying herself.
"Answer the phone-" Harry sings and holds the phone to crowd and smiles as he sings alone as he cracks a joke to the next lyric.

The show continues on, but the feeling in her stomach doesn't go away, she sighs as she lifts her horn to her lips and begins to play.


She stumbles backward as her trumpet squeaks out the wrong note, the sound making the crowd gasp and Harry to turn around and look at her.
"Stop the music please!" Harry says as he runs over to her. His face is laced with concern, his brows furrowed and his eyes soft as he bends down.
"Y/N, what happened? Y'okay?" He asks and she sniffles.
"I'm fine.. I just got hit by something." She says as she shakes her head slightly, trying to ease the dull pain.

Harry runs his fingers through his hair, messing up his styled hair as he mutters something under his breath. As he looks around, he finds the object - a plastic water bottle decorated with different pictures of him resting next to her.

He frowns, but leans closer to her as he tries to find anything.
"Y'sure you're okay?" He asks and she nods.
"I'm fine, just hurts a little." She says and gives him a soft smile.
"I think you should go rest for a bit, I don't want you to hurt yourself more." He says as he smiles back at her and she shakes her head.
"H, I'm fine really. It honestly just startled me, let's get back." She says and he shakes her head.
"M'not gonna let you strain yourself, please go rest. We're almost done anyways." He says and she sighs as she gets up and nods.

He watches as she walks down the stairs and makes her way backstage, his chest feels heavy and he sighs. Turning around and facing the crowd, he clears his throat and smiles softly.
"I always ask that you treat people with kindness, and you all know the one thing I value most is everyone's safety. I love each and every one of you, and I wouldn't be able to be here on stage without all of your support. Not only do I want each and every one of you safe, but I want my members and friends on stage to be safe as well. I've asked for you to be mindful of what's being thrown on stage, and this is why. One of my band members unfortunately has to miss out on the rest of the show because she was hit with a water bottle." He says and he's greeted with silence. He sighs as he looks over everyone.

"Please please please be mindful of what items you choose to throw and please don't ever aim for a person. Thank you." He says and the music continues.


After he's finished the show, Harry runs backstage and into Y/N's dressing room see her laying on the small couch with a small ice pack laying on her head, she looks content. A small smile playing on her lips with her eyes closed as she hums a song softly.

Harry knocks on the doorway gently alerting her of his presence. She opens her eyes and smiles as she waves him in.
"Hi, H." She says and he smiles back, walking in slowly.
"Hi, Y/N. Y'feeling any better?" He says and she nods.
"Other than a dull pain in my head, I'm all good. The medic said I don't have any serious injuries and the hit wasn't hard enough to give me a concussion. It just scared me s'all." She says and she watches as his body relaxes a bit.
"I was worried." He says and his cheeks flush
"About little ol' me?" She says with a laughs
"Of course, kept thinking the worse for the rest of the show. Thought you were gonna call it quits and never come back." She shakes her head and reaches one of her hands out.
"I'm not running away and it's gonna take more than a minor hit to the head by a happy fan to scare me away H." She says as he takes her hand.
"Good, cause I- we need you here. Wouldn't be the same without ya." He says and she pouts.

They stare at each other in silence, soft smiles on both of their faces.
"I'm glad you joined us." He says as he leans forward slightly.
"I'm glad I joined too. I love you guys." She says and kisses his nose.
"We love you too, Y/N. Thanks for staying. Get some rest, 'Kay?" He says and she nods. He kisses her forehead softly and she hums. As he walks away, he can't help but look back to the now resting girl and he smiles.

He wants her forever.

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