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Naruto age 17

~ 1 Year after Karin's death. ~

It was now Hotaru's first birthday, Naruto was preparing for the birthday party... Well, his clones were while he was playing with Hotaru. Naruto's clones had been a ton of help after Karin had died. While Naruto would be completing his mercenary contracts, the clones would take care of Hotaru.

Hotaru was growing up well. Naruto had given Hotaru a Hiraishin seal. It was placed on a adjustable ring on Hotaru's hand. Naruto had the fox summons make a ring which would grow as the finger grew. Also with the ring, the summons could reverse summon Hotaru into the den. Naruto wanted them to make it because he knew that Hotaru could be used as a bargaining chip against him, bringing Hotaru danger.

Naruto didn't want to have a party but throughout the year, he had become somewhat of a superstar. As part of his agreement with the Yukikage, Koyuki, he had to do missions for her free of charge. One of those missions happened to be him guarding her for a movie.

FLASHBACK 6 months ago

Naruto was guarding Koyuki as she was rehearsing her dialogues. So far, nothing out of the ordinary had happened. The shooting had started over a week ago. Currently, Naruto could hear the male actor was screaming at the producer about something. Naruto honestly couldn't care less, so he ignored the both of them.

About 5 minutes later the male actor came storming into the Koyuki's room, kicking the door open in anger. Naruto, sensing danger towards his client, appeared before the actor and held him by the throat. The actor's manager walked in behind the actor and started screaming his head off.

"You, let go off him this instant!" The manager yelled at Naruto, trying to free his companion.

Hearing this, Koyuki came out of the built in washroom, "What is going on?" She asked, confused and a bit amused to see Naruto holding the, now purple, main male actor and his manager, who was red in anger.

"He came storming in to the room, I sensed anger toward you so.." Naruto trailed off, annoyed by the manager.

"Put him down." Koyuki told Naruto.

Pulling out his kunai, Naruto brought it up to the actors neck.

"No, I meant drop him!" She added frantically. She later proceeded to face palm as Naruto quite literally dropped the actor on his head.

"We won't stand for this!" The manager yelled and proceeded to push Naruto.

Naruto took his revenge by slapping the manager through to the next room, scaring the absolute crap out of the director, who was in the other room.

After that Naruto was forced to take the spot of the male actor as they pulled out of the movie. The producer, along with Koyuki forced Naruto to take the role.


The movie was to be released in another six months. Naruto was no longer a mercenary as he was getting paid through acting. Currently, the movie was under editing. It was named "Princess Gale and Wind Lord"

Naruto suddenly heard a knock on his front door. He knew who it was, as he sensed Koyuki's presence. Opening the door, she instantly starting babbling about her council before noticing Hotaru and instantly starting cooing him.

"So how's the party preparations?" She asked him.
"Almost finished, just need set up table for the cake." He replied.
"Ok... when are the rest of the guests coming?" She asked again.
"Roughly 30 minutes." He replied as he watched her play with Hotaru, who was currently giggling at the faces she was making.

For the next 30 minutes they watched Hotaru, trying to see who could make him laugh the hardest, which was fairly easy for Naruto.

Soon enough, the guests were filing in, and by the end of the night, there was a stack of gifts placed by the guests. This reminded Naruto of the parties his parents threw on his sibling's birthdays. Mito and Menma would get gifts while he was either locked in his rooms, or being chased by villagers.

Throughout the party, people would come up to him for his Autograph. Naruto would smile and sign it, but on the inside he was getting tired from the party.

Finally the party ended and the guests started filing out. After 10 minutes, only he and Koyuki remained. They saw Hotaru looking at the different colored gifts, smiling, Naruto picked up his son and took him towards the table and they sat down on the floor.

Naruto slowly started to hand Hotaru the gifts. Hotaru wasn't struggling at all, he slowly started to rip the wrapping papers apart.

Most of the gifts were just stuffed animals, some people gifted him toy kunai, which Naruto took away, as he didn't want his son the starting chewing or poke his eye out with them. Naruto would give it to him when he was a bit older.

Koyuki went back to her home as the clock hit 1:30 am. As she left, Naruto activated the security seal in his house and took Hotaru to bed with him. Naruto was scared of giving Hotaru his own room, he wanted to keep an eye on Hotaru. He didn't want another attack, like the one last year.

Soon, Naruto summoned clones, which transformed into flies and placed themselves on random objects in the room.


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