we build then we break//the fray

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we build then we break//the fray

Ashton had on grey sweatpants rolled up to his calf, a black sweatshirt adorned his sloped shoulders. He picked at his nails as he sat on the dining room table, watching Luke roam around the kitchen from the corner of his eyes. 

Nick was in the shower, the only sound filling the house was the rushing hot water and a soft strum of a guitar from Alex's closed bedroom.

"So, Ashton," Luke started, wiping his hands with a kitchen rag. 

"You always start off sentences like that when I'm around," Ashton pointed out, "You're always mad when I'm around." He reached out his hands, reaching for the black nail polish that lay in the middle of the table. Alex never cleaned up her messes. 

Luke started making his way across from Ashton after making sure the dishwasher was running for the night. It was only a few minutes before half eight and Luke already wanted to collapse in bed. It's not that he had a long day—all of his days were long—he was simply exhausted, he was mentally drained. 

The blonde sat down across from his husband, crossing his legs and staring at the older lad. "Why are you here now?"

Ash shrugged, "Maybe I just wanted to say hi." He continued apply the dark color onto his short nails, giggling every time he looked up at Luke. 

Michael never giggled the way Ashton did, and it was weird looking up at the pale boy and knowing it was not Mike. 

"Come on, Ashton. We both know that's not true."

"Ask me nicely."

"What?" Luke scrunched up his eyebrows, not understand why Ashton was being difficult. Then he remembered that it's Ashton, a.k.a. the most difficult person he has ever met.

"I don't need to tell you anything. Ask me nicely and maybe I will."

"Ashton, Baby, why is Michael upset?"

He blew on his fingers, trying to make them dry faster. "I love it when you call me baby, Daddy."

"Ashton!" Luke hid his face in his hands, not awake enough to put up with the younger boy's shit. 

"Fine! Fine! Michael thinks he's pregnant."

Luke stopped chewing on the gum he had in his mouth. He stared at Ashton with wide blue eyes. "Wait, what?"

"Michael—your husband, my main personality—thinks he is carrying your child. Do you need to have the sex talk? I mean, you had two kids, I figured you'd know what sex was and what it did."

"You knew this would happen! You fucking psychopath!" Luke yelled, standing up from his chair. The wooden legs scraped against the floors. "You knew we'd do it and get him pregnant!"

"Actually I did not, but I'm glad you think I would. Makes me feel like the leader of the evil world." Ashton leant back in his chair, his feet up on the chair where Luke once sat. 

"I don't want another kid! We have two kids! One who's about to go to college! We don't have time to raise another child."

Ash shrugged his shoulders, "Should've used protection."

Luke slammed his fists down on the table in front of Ash, the whole house seemed to shake. "I fucking hate you. Why would you do this to Michael?!"

"Hey, it takes two to tango." Ashton had a sarcastic tone to every sentence he spoke. He picked at some extra nail polish that ended up on his fingers. 

"Ashton, this isn't a joke! There's a child growing inside of your body!"

"Technically, supposing he is pregnant, it's just a ball of cells right now." Ashton was leaning forward in his chair, his elbows on the table as he clasped his hands together. Luke doesn't know how he kept his voice so calm, when the blonde yelled at Mike, he'd just yell right back. 

"It's not the right time for one of your pro-choice speeches."

"Hey!" Ash pointed a finger at him, "It's always the right time for a pro-choice speech."

Luke was stomping around the kitchen, his hands in his hair. He blamed Ashton, he blamed himself. He hated how difficult his life always seemed to be. He didn't want to be mad at Michael, but Ashton is Michael. They're the same person, no matter what anyone says.

"What are we going to do?" Luke sighed, falling back onto his chair. "I'm so upset with you right now."

"It wasn't me, it was Michael."

Now it was Luke's turn to roll his eyes. "Why would Michael want another child? He hated pregnancy."

"What do pregnant people have to do?"

Luke looked at him, not even batting an eyelash. "I don't fucking know. A lot."

"They have to control their intake. Which means..." he trailed off, stretching out his fingers and looking down at the good paint job. 

Luke made a trail through his mind, trying to figure out what the older man meant. Then it hit him like a harsh slap on the face. "Did he do this so he wouldn't have to take his meds?"

Ash bit his lip, "I'm not saying anything."

Luke rested his eyes on the palm of his hands, he hoped this was a dream. 

(a/n) so i was going through some early comments, and a few of you are still confused. even after i explained it, but whatever.

michael has multiple personalities disorder. this means that he exists as only one person, but his mind shifts into other personalities. his physical body stays the same, that's all that stays the same. the mind does this as a protection when situations become too stressful. most people are born with this part in their brain, but it spreads and takes over as chemicals improperly shift.

please, direct message me instead of leaving bitchy comments. thanks. 

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