Stage design

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The stage for 2023 has been designed and they have released what it will look like to us. It is meant to look like a big hug for Ukraine. Lets take a look:

I like the lighting. The sides making the hug are really cool and I think this can add a great effect. The screen that folds to reveal lights behing is even more cool. I really love the lights. I also really like the type of stage (thrust) it matches well with lots of the songs. This year acts are relying on the staging, I think the design doesn't falter to support them.
Do you guys remember love love peace peace? I am going to be using it a lot. I will use this sign when I do *.

Here is how I think it will match with the performance:
I feel like they could start on the minni stage at the end and when the music goes they go to the bigger stage. They aren't really dancing anyway, it would give them something to do.
* they could have the people on drums. The men not the grandmother.
The lighting could be spectacular. I would go with a black and red theme. The back stage lighting behind the screen would fit in with this song.

Keep that big bell. She is such an interesting performer just don't get in her way.
* add an engaging intro. It starts of a bit weak.

I feel like this song is just asking for lights. If they could move even better. I feel like a fire or something should shoot up when the more rock part comes. The screen seems like a better option for this. Displaying the scenary they have in the video.
I think one or two could maybe travel to the mini stage however I think it would be best to stay on the big stage. Maybe the lead singer could start on the mini stage.
*a dj might be good. But I am afraid love love peace peace doesn't have any advise they can use.

Make a sort of dance floor? I don't know, there are so many possibilities with this song.

Not much with the staging really. You could make a street?
* show the passion.

The screen will be used just like in his last performance. I feel like they will leave the performance how it is. I just can't think of how this stage compliments him and his song.
* the dancers. Definitely would add to the performance, I just don't know if it would be too crowded.

I think the lighting could be the same as it is in the design. I have high hopes for this song. I don't have a preference as to which part of the stage he uses.
* costume! If you get the costume right this could be amazing. If he can pull of the emotion and passion in the song, it will be show stopping.

Just perform what they have already performed. There is nothing really to add.
* just the basics nothing specific for this song.

Just do what you did in your final. The song isn't very eurovision so its hard to find a place that screams for the stage.
* outfit. The pink makes him look younger. There are people out there that will complain about his age and mention jesc. It's absolute rubbish but those are also the people that vote so... In the music video he had lots of outfits that were nice, one of them would be good.

*burning pianno???
This is a beautiful song and I think the staging can really highlight that. The lighting behind the screen would be better here and if they could do it maybe find a way to create bridges with lights. I think by the end she will be on the minni stage. I love the pianno she used in the first one. It created this brilliant effect. The panno was playing on its own.

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