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Did you know

That the universe is infinite

And the stars can't be numbered

That we'd run out of names

And number combinations

Before we've titled them all

Did you know

That our existence

Is so small

Compared to the existence

Of the stars

Of the vast space that is known

Only as void

Only as empty

Only as unknown

Did you know

We can't fathom infinity

Or recreate it

Even though we try

Because it is something

Made to be untouchable

Created to be unbreakable

Constructed to be unobtainable

Did you know

That reading this

Is as pointless

As writing it

And that nothing will ever


Have meaning

Did you know

We stare at the stars

Because we want to touch them

But most stars we see

We would not arrive to

Before its light dimmed

And died

Right before

Our very eyes

And did you know

That someone

Despite reality and expectation

Will find you

With all your horrendous

Unforgivable flaws

And all your miserable

Unforgivable sins

And still love you

More than the stars

That were created to be kept

From the imperfection

Humanity inflicts

Upon everything it touches

And did you know

That forgiveness

Is not as hard to give

As a grudge is to hold

And did you know

That in spite of everything

I'll still hold on

To every damn thing

Someone says

Just because

I loved them

In another lifetime

In another year

In another moment

I loved them for a second

And now they mean everything to me

Did you know

That all I wanted that night

That you left

Was a hug

From you specifically

And to be told

"Everything will be okay"

Did you know

That if you did that today

I would either hit you

Or cry

I would either laugh at you

Or smile

Did you know

That fragile things

Are bound to break

Did you know

That broken things

Can be fixed

Did you know

That I think

That things fixed

Are prettier

Than things whole

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