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You don't understand

Because you won't pay attention

But if you sit still

If you watch

If you listen

Not to your devices

Not to your peers and likes

But to the world

You will understand

You can learn to be part of the world again

But your world

She is dying

Like you, she has run thin on patience

You don't feel it

Because you've disconnected yourself

From the very thing that gives you life

From the very place that supports you

No matter how many paper towels you use

No matter how many straws you sip from

No matter how long your showers are

No matter how much food you waste

She supports you

And loves you all the same

It's a toxic relationship

And she's finally giving up

She's turning away

But there is still time

You can still save her

If you'd just listen

If you'd just see

If you'd just sit down

Among the trees and the grass

With the animals and plants

And all you have to do is understand

Because once you understand

You can learn

And once you learn

You can heal

And once you heal

Then you can live

Poetry For The MassesWhere stories live. Discover now