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//tw: mention of death, mention of depression, sleep deprivation

Up past midnight despite your loving wish

Allowing myself to fall into heavy vertigo

Before crawling into bed

Sleep deprived as can be

But refusing to sleep

I can't sit alone with my thoughts for so long

Or else I might go mad

When you think about it

It's kind of sad

How I'm not the one suffering

I'm not the one dying

But I am the one who's depressed

Who's struggling

Mourning before I've had my final moments

The woman who's all but my very mother


But not yet, just soon

So soon

Yet I cannot force myself to leave this room

I want to spend time with her

But I cannot trick my mind into believing that

It'll all be okay

Because it won't be

Although accepting that would be accepting

What I can't bring myself to say out loud

The truth that time is limited

With Death waiting for our final breath

From a heavy-set chest

To take our soul to its final resting place

Poetry For The MassesWhere stories live. Discover now