Like Them

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I might never be like them

With a big house and lots of money

Loud parties and booze

An in-ground pool big enough to impress the local water park

And I might always be a little jealous of them

For everything they have

For their lot in life

But I think that's okay

Because I don't need to be like them

I've never really been one to want a big house

With seven bedrooms and two kitchens

A spacious basement that seconds as club space

And a back yard large enough to impress the average citizen

Instead I'd want something a little smaller

Something a little cozier

Something I can take pride in with the small things

Rather than just how large my livingroom is

Or how luxurious the bathroom is

And sometimes I wonder

If I'd really give up something so grand and awe-inspiring

For something so simple and humble

But in the end

If there isn't a happy middle


I think I'd rather something cozy

Than something so large

That it always feels empty

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