Rot of the Heart

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Who am I, if not a simple thought in your mind? Do I mean anything if I mean nothing to you? Does my heart beat if yours does not? Do I breathe if you cannot? The simplicity in existence is made all the more complicated by my attachment to you. My soul joined with yours, my heart a part of you as well as I.

Your body is smoother than glass from the sea, your wit sharper than the blade on your hip. Your mind is more open than an outdoor diner and your heart more guarded than the Ruler themself. I kneel before you as a simple peasant, craving your love as you step over me. You forget my name, but I cherish every moment in your presence. If you lead a rebellion, I will be the first to sign my life to your case of treason, all for your cause. I hope to one day be yours. If not to sit by your side, then to die in your arms. And if not to die in your arms, then to perish by your blade. For who am I, if not a simple thought in your mind?

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