Dear America

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Dear America, land of the free

Dear America, home of the brave

Dear America, advocate for freedom of religion

Dear America, house of God given rights and freedoms

Dear America, how does hypocrisy taste?

How does it feel to know that Gen Z

The generation that was supposed to propel us

Into a better era

Will be the generation to bring America to her knees

Will be the generation to destroy your politics

Will be the generation who's finally tired of listening

To people who refuse to listen

Dear America, how does it feel to know that your promise of freedom

Is being ripped from your people's hands

How does it feel to know

Your land and people are dying as each minute passes

Time runs thin and fast as we draw closer to an end

And for your overwhelming Christian following

The entitled conservatives who believe they can keep restraints on us

How does it feel to know the end is coming?

Not by the next coming of the Lord

Not by the Antichrist

But by the hands of your children

By the hands of your children's children

The ones who aren't slaughtered, anyway

Dear America, how does power taste?

How does control feel?

Is it like a fine wine paired with a silk dress?

Is it like a hot bath with a side table of chocolate truffles?

Is it like clothes slick with blood oozing from a gaping wound

The taste of iron overwhelming on your tongue?

Dear America, we are tired

Your youngest generation is exhausted

Your elders are too entitled with unwise "advise" and outdated "knowledge"

Your government is plagued with rats and weeds

Your rich are greedy and filthy

Your poor are starving and hopeless

And whatever you say you're doing to help is only making it worse

The gap is only getting bigger

The problems are only getting more visible

America, land of the free and home of the brave, is crumbling from the inside out

Dear America, how does it feel to know that you have failed?

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