Chapter 1: "cryptids? and I'm one of them?!"

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"an animal whose existence or survival to the present day is disputed or unsubstantiated; any animal of interest to a cryptozoologist"

Monsters, Aliens, Demons. Do you believe in such things? And what would you do... If they all existed?

Jersey Devil, La Llorona, the Mothman. What if these urban legends were real?

Follow Dayvawn and his journey to slay these monsters.

The year is 2019, in this society, every urban legend and myth of monsters is true. Bigfoot, the Boogeyman, you name it. Every government across the world created a special branch known as the "Cryptid Hunters" to dispatch these beasts from committing harm. However, one agent will change the faction and world forever. This is his story.

Arc 1: The Beginning Arc.

September 4. San Antonio, Texas.

A man sits on a bench outside a campus. His appearance is young, in his early 20s. He is African American with red Locs and deep green eyes.
His earrings jingle with his motion. He has a slight fuzz on his upper lip. He smiles brightly. "School is over... Fuckin' finally." He says sarcastically. "Ugh..." He grunts.
He gets up and begins walking home. He hears someone running towards him fast. "Dayvawn!" A short, petite Hispanic woman with blonde hair runs up to him.

AGE: 21

"Oi, what's up, Jasmine?" He says with a smile. She giggles. "Hehe. So, since your mom is going on vacation... What are you planning to do this week?"

AGE: 22

Dayvawn pauses. "Heh-- I don't really know, it's a lil' embarrassing..." He says nervous.

"Oh... I see..." She says a little letdown. Her eyes look at the pavement in embarrassment. "Um, well... Joe is having a party tomorrow."

Dayvawn looks confused, he has never heard of this "Joe" person before. "Eh? Joe? Who?"

Jasmine begins laughing. Her soft, yet contagious sound screams out loudly, "JOOOOEEEEE MAMA!" she says.

Dayvawn looks upset. His left eyebrow rises. "How the fuck did I fall for that?!"

"Okay, but seriously. Austin is having a party tomorrow! so you should come." She says and puts her hand on his back.

"Austin? Hmm. I don't know, doesn't he hate me?" Dayvawn says while smirking. He remembers the time he has embarrassed Austin numerous times.

"Teehee!" She chuckles. "Well, to be fair, you DID slap him with pizza..." Jasmine says while holding back laughter. "And you pulled down his pants..."

"Sure! I'll go!" Dayvawn agrees to go.

"YAAAY!" Jasmine hugs Dayvawn's arm, and she squeezes tightly.

"Okay, I'll be heading home, now!" Jasmine hugs Dayvawn, He blushes and She looks at him. "See ya!" Jasmine starts running off and Dayvawn waves goodbye.

"A party? Me? Go to one? I'm probably dreaming..." He mutters to himself. Dayvawn is not a loser, yet he isn't the most popular kid. While the kids at college were getting drunk and high, Dayvawn mostly kept to himself and his small friend circle.

Cryptids: The Beginning Arc. [book 1] |REDUX|Where stories live. Discover now