chapter 8: "class: paranormal."

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"Nuh-uh! There is no way a... 'Cryptid' is here. Just a normal house!" Dayvawn yells in annoyance.
"You guys seriously crashed the party! C'mon!" As He complains with no one caring, Sarah pulls out a device. Ally smiles. "Ah, cheeky. Took that from Champ's pockets. That's our leader!" Ally says to her.

"Mm-hmm." She nods while looking at the device. A singular blue glow shines from it. Suddenly, it flashes to orange and red. Alex puts his finger on his lips. "Oh. It's... A paranormal one, huh? Hm. We gotta be careful." He says. Dayvawn tilts his head. "Paranormal?" He asks. Alex nods with enthusiasm.
"Yep! Y'see, Cryptids are in three categories! There's earthly. Which, means the Cryptid originated from Earth. Typically an animal, but it could be more monster-like... I guess like the Beast of Gevaudan. And then there's outer-worldly, for Aliens and such. And finally... Paranormal. Ghost. Demons. Spirits. Well... Funnily enough, since a Black-Eyed child attacked you and made you a Hybrid, you're technically somewhat paranormal!"

Dayvawn gets slightly frightened. "G-Ghost...? Demons...? Here? Wait, I'm part WHAT?!" His body shakes. Alex grabs his arm to comfort him. "Aw. Don't worry. We should be able to kill it! Trust us! We're pretty good, y'know? Sarah is Captain's student, after all. I can't possibly see her dying."

Sarah points the device at Dayvawn, however, the signal stays the same. "Hm. Dayvawn isn't tricking it, so that is good." She says with an annoyed stare. However, a soft yet noticeable creek is heard. Everyone turns to look upstairs. Dayvawn gulps. Ally slowly unsheathes his katana. "Hmm. Is there by chance... Anyone up there?" He turns to Dayvawn. Dayvawn shrugs. Ally turns to the dark, shadow-covered hallway that leads upstairs. "Just to make sure... Alex, you got the sleep-bomb?"

Alex nods. "Yeah! Of course!" Alex pulls out a small purple ball that faintly glows. Dayvawn is surprised. "Hey... What is that...?" He questions. "The name is pretty self-explanatory." Alex states. He throws the bomb into the dark hallway, it pops out purple smoke and it wafts towards the rooms upstairs. Alex, Ally, and Sarah put on surgical masks that tighten around their face. Sarah tosses Dayvawn one. He hesitates but puts it on. It tightens around him too. "Ack! Ow..." He whines.

Ally, followed by Sarah and Alex, and then followed by Dayvawn walk up the stairs. Their footsteps make virtually no sounds, except for Dayvawn's. He stomps loud, his footsteps sounding like thunder with each step. Ally turns to look at him with an annoyed look. Dayvawn awkwardly smiles, but it is obscured by the mask. However, Ally can tell He's smiling by his eyes. Ally firmly holds his katana. Dayvawn looks at the blade. It is silver with a blue hue to it, with kanji or katakana written on it. He admires the blade, as it looks straight from a JRPG He has played.

They reach the top, and nothing but silence fills the place. Ally grabs a doorknob and quickly opens it. A dark room is the only thing seen. They turn on the light. What they see doesn't really surprise them.
"Hm. Two naked people... Mid doing it... Oops..."
Alex says with a blush. He is flustered at the sight of them.
"Well, at least the Cryptid didn't get them. Just college hormones." Dayvawn playfully hits his elbow on Ally. Ally turns to look at Dayvawn. "DJ, you need to take this seriously. This is a real demon we have on our hands." He says to him sternly. Dayvawn gets upset and embarrassed. "B-But...! Just tryna lighten up the mood...!"

Ally's eyes shift focus, He glimpses something from the corner of his eye. Nothing there. "Huh..." He mutters confused. "Ally, watch out!" Alex shouts. Ally rolls and quickly gets up to see what He is talking about. Nothing there. They all turn to Alex. Alex is dumbfounded.
"No! But... I saw something there! Swear it!"
He shouts. The device in Sarah's hand begins to violently flash and beep. 'BLEEP, BEEP, BLEEP, BEEP!!!' The device jingles. Sarah quickly dodges as a strong force destroys the wall behind Her. "What..." Dayvawn, with no reaction time, says.

Cryptids: The Beginning Arc. [book 1] |REDUX|Where stories live. Discover now