chapter 18: "first battle."

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Dayvawn's mind begins to go numb. His hearing starts to ring and his vision blurs. Another mission against Monsters. Demons. He still hasn't adjusted to the situation, life is moving way too fast. Champ tries talking to him but Dayvawn doesn't notice. Champ's mouth moves but nothing is heard. He snaps his fingers to get Dayvawn's attention. Nothing. He tries again. Nothing. Again. Nothing. Again. Nothing. Finally, with an even louder snap, He does it once more making Dayvawn jump.

"Our mission is now. Everyone is waiting downstairs." Champ gives a look of concern. "Get dressed." He starts to walk out of the room. Dayvawn is dumbfounded, He didn't notice that everyone left the room. He looks around and notices a black cloth on the bed.
"Huh...?" He grabs it confused. He looks back at the past few seconds, He remembers that Champ was wearing a suit He wasn't wearing before. So, Dayvawn figures it is the same type. He proceeds to grab it but suddenly flinches.

The cloth feels... Slimy. Wet and moist. This catches him off guard.
"Ah...?" He mutters. Suddenly, the cloth jumps at him, wrapping around his body.
"WHAT?! HEY, HOLY SHI-" Dayvawn shouts in fear. The cloth suddenly turns into a black suit with black pants and a red tie. It no longer feels wet but instead like regular clothes. His eyes are wide open.

"Uh... Uh-huh..." Dayvawn whimpers. He tries to forget what happened and walks out of the room. He begins to tug at the suit He now wears. It really does feel like normal clothes. He notices the group feet away in the lobby. Sarah, Ally, Chowder, Champ, and Alex stand there waiting for him. Sarah wears the same suit She wore when Dayvawn was attacked. But now He has a better view of it. Black frills hang from her arms. Ally's suit has a coattail behind it, Champ's is a normal suit. Chowder's suit has a hood on it and She wears it, covering her hair. Her pants are also slightly ripped. Alex's suit is roughly the same as Sarah's and Champ's, however, He wears a skirt with it.

Sarah notices Dayvawn walking towards them. "You ready?"
She opens the lobby door and turns back to Dayvawn,
"For your first mission?"
Dayvawn's looks at his arm.
The room is completely silent.
"I'm..." He clenches his fist. "Ready."
The group leaves the hotel and starts heading towards the destination.
"Remember, Dayvawn. You're a Hybrid." Sarah, while nervous, believes the mission will go well.

"Hybrid... Yeah. I'll do my best." Dayvawn mutters to himself.
"Hybrid is a special type of person, don't forget that." Ally says.
"Just because you have slight regeneration, super strength, increased agility, and many more doesn't make you immortal."
Dayvawn nods,
"Yeah... I won't get in your way." He replies.
Dayvawn ponders on what enhancement He gained during the night that changed his life besides the boost in strength.

"Considering you were attacked by a black-eyed child..." Ally looks at Dayvawn with a sinister glare.
"You have slight regeneration and increased strength, obviously... But maybe you can also sense other Cryptids? Let us know if you feel that something is off."

Chowder runs next to Dayvawn.
"Don't get too cocky and reckless. By 'slight regeneration', they mean you can probably heal up a paper cut in a second."
Sarah looks at Champ and taps his shoulder. "We close?" She says.
Champ holds a square-looking device, something Dayvawn has only seen in Sci-Fi movies. "Yeah." He answers.
The device starts beeping red and green rapidly.
"We're super, super close." Champ says while trying to concentrate.

Multiple Branches snap around the group, "snap," "crack!" They look around the empty, big forest.
"Wait, weren't we just in a populated city? How the hell did we wind up in a forest? This is San Antonio...! What the hell?!"
Chowder questions how everyone was suddenly in a new setting.
"You're just not smart." Champ proudly says with a smirk.
"You weren't paying attention, Chowder." Ally says while tightening his tie.
"Jerks..." Chowder flicks them off.

Cryptids: The Beginning Arc. [book 1] |REDUX|Where stories live. Discover now