chapter 13: "my dream."

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He doesn't know if He should spill it. He looks at Alex who nods, basically telling him to say it.
"I wanna... Save people." He answers. "Like... It doesn't matter how, running a shelter... A firefighter... A... Superhero, even... It's very stupid and childish, I know. But... Just to see someone smiling. Especially kids. My biggest hate in the world is kids crying. No... Scratch that... Crying in general. Tears of sadness... I don't like the sound of pain."

Chowder and Alex listen. Chowder has a big smile on her face.
"Good. So you'll live for your dream, right?" She says.
"A dream where no one cries tears of sadness? Children, adults, hell, even animals alike?"
Dayvawn ponders. Yes. That is what He wants.
"A world... Just like that. But... Can I even achieve to make people smile like this...?"
He looks at his hands. Alex doesn't understand why He's so hard on himself.
"Yes, Dayvawn. I think... Now, you can make anyone smile. Y'know... There are probably people out there who can find your eye wicked sick."

Dayvawn looks down at Alex due to their height difference.
"Alex... What's your dream?" He says to him. Alex begins to think, putting a finger up to his lip.
"Hm. My dream, huh? I guess... I just wanna live a good life, I guess it's sorta similar to yours. I want to save people and protect them. My mom was a Cryptid Hunter-- So was my father. So it is kinda in the family. But... After saving people... It may sound selfish, but... I just want to live a normal life with my significant other. Whoever He or She may be."

Dayvawn smiles. "That isn't selfish at all! Your future partner will be so lucky to have you!" He says. Alex begins to blush. He lets go of his hug and covers his face.
"Haha... Th-Thank you...!" He says muffled. Chowder laughs.
"Khahaha! We all know you and Champ have something. Just go for it! What's there to lose if He says no? What? You'll have better options?" She taps his shoulders. Alex squiggles and squirms around.
"Ohmygosh, Chowder...! Stop!!!" He says embarrassed. Dayvawn laughs at the situation.
"Yeah! Just tell him how you feel! Tell the person you like..." He stops mid-sentence. Images of Jasmine appear in his head. "How you feel..." He whispers.

He shakes his head violently, trying to stop thinking about her. He tries to change the subject.
"So... This job... Exactly what type of monsters will we be up against...?" He questions.
"Hm. Well, Ghosts. Demons. Aliens. Wild animals. Maybe even Humans. A lot. Although... it really is tricky to say what we'll go against next. It's a gamble." Alex answers. His face is covered in a fearful look.
"What we go against is dependent on our rank. Champagne Diamond isn't too bad... But we won't be going against very dangerous Cryptids... No, we fight dangerous ones, but... They're different. How do I explain this...?"

Chowder joins the conversation.
"Think like a video game. We go on rank and go against whatever our skill level is. Bronze losers go against Bronze, Platinum against Platinum, and so on and so forth." She moves her hand around. Dayvawn shakes his head. He knows how it works, at least somewhat.
"No... Like, what's the most dangerous Cryptid? Or type, or whatever. Like... Are there Gods out there?"

"God... As in religion God? That's... Up to debate. But as far as Cryptids... They're dangerous. The most fearsome can possibly ruin the whole world. That's why we fight endlessly to keep them at bay. But the stronger ones... They like to keep it low. so... Who knows what they plan? Or if they really do just want to be left alone."

"The most dangerous Cryptids in the world... The Four Legends of Death, as they are nicknamed... They're the most dangerous four that we know of." Chowder says with fear in her voice.
"Of course... There are numerous dangerous ones out there that can possibly be added, but as far as we know of what they can do..."
She shakes her head, trying to not think about the destructive capabilities. Dayvawn gets curious.
"And... Who are the Four?" He says. Chowder inhales and exhales, getting prepared to say.

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