chapter 10: preparation for the first mission."

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Dayvawn gets annoyed. "Shut up, Chowder. Although... Yeah, I did overreact. It did sting slightly, and my arm felt a little cold." He stares at his arm. Suddenly, the Doctor walks up and hands him a blue Lollipop.
"I forgot your treat." He says. Dayvawn grabs the Lollipop.
"Y'know, I would be mad that you gave me a Lollipop, but... Gourmet cotton candy is my favorite! How'd you know?!" His eyes light up brightly. "We're the FBI. We know everything." The Doctor mutters. He walks away while waving at Captain. Captain waves back.

Captain turns back at Division Loch.
"Hm. Okay! I got good news!" He says with a smile. "I got a Job for you guys! The pay is 16k!" He snaps his fingers. Dayvawn begins to cough profusely at what He said, "EXCUSES ME???!!" He's in utter disbelief. Captain tilts his head. "Hm?" He is confused. Dayvawn grabs his shirt.
"DID YOU JUST SAY GODDAMN 16K???? WHAT?????" Dayvawn shouts. Captain pushes him off, him getting slightly annoyed.
"16k IF you complete the mission... I'll have Sarah pick you up. But for now, I want you guys to try and work as a team. Sarah, you and your Division shall go to the 'gym' and work out a plan."

Sarah and Ally nod in unison. Chowder groans. "Uuuugh. Do I haaave to? I'm busy tomorrow... I wanna eat my ice cream... And do my makeup all day... And I was hoping on binge-watching TV!" She complains. Dayvawn looks dumbfounded.
"Dude! It's fucking 16k! Why're you bitching?! Huh?!"
He is completely puzzled.
"Yeaahhh, but I've already worked this week. And that was today! I'm so tired...!"

Sarah grabs Chowder by her arm. "Come on. Everyone. Let's go to the 'gym'." She mutters. She drags Chowder away. Captain grabs Dayvawn's shoulder.
"You work out, kid?" He asks. "Uh... Occasionally. I wouldn't say I do it often, but when I do, I do it for a bit." Dayvawn replies. "Good. You should be fine, then. Just don't die~" He says in a sing-songy way.

Dayvawn, Alex, Ally, and Champ begin to walk away. "Bye-bye, Captain! See you tomorrow!" Alex says. Captain waves goodbye. Ally takes the lead.
"Follow me, Dayvawn. The 'gym' is a few hallways down." He says relaxed. Dayvawn admires the huge building as they pass through multiple doors with names on them.
"Wow! So many interesting people work here, huh? Like, who the hell is Hoffman?!"

After walking for a short bit, everyone arrives at a huge training room. It is gray and covered in many things. Especially bulletproof and sound-muffled material. Other agents are training here, so they keep to a certain side.
"Okay... Alex, I want you to work on close combat with a pistol. Champ, I want you to work with your new gadgets. Ally, practice your blade. Chowder... Dayvawn, you're with me and that training dummy over there." Sarah says while She takes off her jacket. Chowder gives the peace symbol and goes to sit down.

"Okay!" They all shout in unison.


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