chapter 3: "an average day...?"

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The next day.

Dayvawn is fast asleep on his bed. Sarah brought him home. She had to carry him and even tuck him in.

"Braaam!!! Braaam! Braaam!!!!" A loud alarm clock is going off. It goes on and on and on. Dayvawn sleeps in his Maroon bed. He moans and tries to turn off the clock. He misses it and it continues to blare. "UGH!!!" He yells.

He slams his fist to turn it off, however, He shatters the clock and breaks a bit of the desk it was on. He gets up in shock and He quickly begins to wake up. "Wh... What...?" He mutters. He remembers last night. However, He wants to Believe it was simply a dream. But the clock and desk? He chalks it up to morning strength, duh.

He gets up and stretches. The sun seeps into his eyes from his blinds. He looks at the clock to see the time. He forgot he smashed it, so he uses his phone. It is 8:27 A.M. He looks at his arm to see a scar. He panics. He begins to cope and think of other alternatives. He tries to believe He always had this scar.

Dayvawn starts slowly walking down the stairs like a child on Christmas. He peeps around the corner to see the damage that happened from the battle last night. Nothing. Everything is normal. The glass figures his mother collects are all intact. The TV is still there. Shiny and all. He sighs, it truly was a dream.

With excitement, he begins to cook breakfast. Bacon sizzles on a pan as do some eggs. He hooks up his phone to a Bluetooth speaker, it begins to play "Get Lucky" by Daft Punk. Opening the fridge, He grabs milk and pours it into a mug.

"Hmmm. I think I shall go to that party Jasmine invited me to!" Dayvawn mutters to himself with a large grin. He looks to the outside. Birds are flying and chirping, and a couple walks their dogs. A very, very, late child runs with a backpack. Dayvawn grabs his meal. But before He eats He gets up and grabs his face. There is absolutely nothing there but He acts like there is so He goes to the restroom to shave.

"Hmmm~ laady laady daaa~" He sings to himself. Pulling out the shaving cream and applying it to his face, He closes the medicine cabinet. Looking in the reflection He grabs his cheeks and screams.

"AH... AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Dayvawn's left eye is solid black. Last night was no dream. He stumbles back. "No... No, this can't be... Nah, I refuse!!!" He yells. Suddenly, his phone begins vibrating. An unknown number is calling. He hesitates to pick up but answers anyway.

"You might want to keep the screaming to a minimum." Sarah is on the other end. Dayvawn is surprised. "Huh... How'd you get my number- Wait, how'd you know I yelled?!"

"We're a part of the government. We are literally tapped into your phone. I see you have a thing for... Milfs. And Billie Eilish."

Dayvawn's eyes perk out wide in shock. He stutters not knowing what to say. "Uh... T-That.. Wasn't... Wasn't me..."

Dayvawn gets up and looks pokes his head out of the restroom. "Are you in my house right now, mysterious white girl?" He says nervously. "Uh, no. I am at my own house." Sarah replies. "Listen. Captain wanted me to... Babysit you. Check in. So long as you don't leave the house in the next few days and kill someone, you should be fine."

Slightly aggravated Dayvawn wiggles his fingers. "Uh, nah! I promised my friend I would go to a party with her!! So I'm goin'! You, the government, or even the president are not going to stop me."

Cryptids: The Beginning Arc. [book 1] |REDUX|Where stories live. Discover now