chapter 14: "screeching glass."

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Location: A hotel.

Miles away, yet in the same city is a man in a hotel. A man who is planning something. Inside a room is the WWII Hybrid. He took off his outfit and is now wearing a red long-sleeve and jeans. He stares outside from a window. The rain quickly splashes down, his face clearly admiring it.
"The calm before the storm." He mutters.
"Captain. I wonder...Do you know how beautiful rain is? Do you admire it like me? What about you... 'Madam'..."

His daydream is interrupted by his phone vibrating. He grabs it and takes a look. An unknown number sent him a message. He begins to read out loud.
"Captain will be gone today at 6 P.M. Now is your time." It says. The man smiles. He gets up in excitement.
"We will be there, too. Me and my friend are-" He stops reading loudly. "Hm. Alright. I'll try my best not to kill you!" He jokingly says.

He approaches a closet and opens it. There, inside of it, is his coat. He grabs it, putting it on. He exits the building, walking in the rain. He puts his hand out to feel it. The cold droplets fall with grace on his palm.
"What a beautiful day." He whispers to himself. The streets are quite empty. Only a few people walk it. He starts walking towards an open space. The rain is so heavy you can hardly see anything. Just water and white mist.
"I smell you, y'know." The man says. He turns to see three people surrounding him.

A woman and two men are near. One man is African American, bald, and wearing a white suit. The other man is Asian, wearing a suit as well but with a coat over it. His hair is brunette and his lips are pierced. The woman is wearing a long skirt and a black dress shirt. Her hair is long and dark green.
"You there." The dark-skinned man says, his voice is rocky and stern.
"Our device started beeping. We cannot give you context on what that means, but, please, come with us."

The WWII Hybrid smiles and scoffs. He slowly turns to the man who spoke to him.
"Ah... Hunters. It's bad to in-fight, y'know. Ah, what am I saying? You schmucks break the rules all the time." He begins to monologue. The three Hunters look at each other in confusion. Everyone is soaking wet.
"You say, 'Don't do that!' or, 'Don't do this!' Yet... Well... You're hypocrites."

"...' We're not allowed to kill this person! It's bad!' Ah, yet, you kill THIS person! Ah, how boring, what a waste." Clearly, He isn't sane. The group doesn't know what this man is even saying.
"...Okay... Just come with us." The woman says confused.
The Hybrid shakes his head.
"Afraid I can't, Miss. I got a building to burn. But, here's the deal. I'll let you guys live if you fuck off."

The three look at each other. They all shake their head in unison.
"You're either a Cryptid in human skin... Or a Hybrid. Either way, we cannot let you live!" The Asian man shouts. The Hybrid kisses his teeth.
"Seriously? After I said I would let ya' live? Cooome on! Don't be dumbasses." His voice is whiny and annoyed. The group begins to bring out their weapons. The dark-skinned man brings out two pistols and points them at the Hybrid. The woman grabs a metal helt from her pocket. It extends out into a blade that looks like a spatha sword. The man waits and watches while putting his hand out.

"Oh- You guys are serious! Hahah! What dumbasses! Dumbaaaa-" As the Hybrid taunts them, He is shot by the dark-skinned man in the shoulder. He falls back to the ground, arm bleeding profusely.
"Hybrid down!" He shouts. "You're not getting up from that, monster. Bullets soaked in acid...! Have a nice sleep." He begins to bring out a phone. He starts typing in a number.
"I'm going to call Captain. Tell him we got a rare one-" He turns to see the Hybrid getting up. His shoulder is now made of a dark fog and the bullets fall out of it.
"Sorry! You're going to have to try harder!!!" The Hybrid mocks.

The woman charges with her blade, swinging it at him. The Hybrid backs up and dodges the initial swings. The woman uses all her force to swing it down. She hits something. A loud 'clank!' booms throughout the loud, aggressive rain. The woman stares in horror.
The Hybrid has two red crimson blades sticking out of his upper wrist. He laughs.
"It's quite rare for normal people to have these! But not me!" He gloats. He shoves the woman, sending her flying several feet away.

"Magical spell: Water Bomb!" The Asian man shouts. The Hybrid turns to look at him but is immediately hit by a large ball of water-- it is the size of a basketball. It sends him flying into the air.
"Ah! Magic user! Things just got interesting! Yes! Let us play!" He yells. He slams into the ground so hard that the pavement shatters.

The man crouches in an X position. He begins to laugh at the situation.
"Cross slash!" He mutters. The Asian tries to cast another spell. But... The Hybrid is suddenly gone.
"Huh...?" He says confused.
"Behind you!!!" The woman shouts. The Hybrid is standing behind him. He tilts his head to laugh.
"Haha...! Too slow."

The Asian man's legs suddenly burst out blood and He falls to the ground screaming in pain. The blood mixes with the rain and starts splattering everywhere.
The woman swings again but misses, the Hybrid jumps into the air extremely high, disappearing into the rain and mist.
"Yes...! Yes!!! Come on, Hunters! Do your job! Do your job how you were supposed to do...!" The Hybrid shouts from within the sky. His body turns into a greyish fog and starts going towards the dark-skinned man.

The man aims his gun but the fog quickly moves away. The Hybrid's body solidifies and He pounces on the woman, stabbing her in the neck. He grabs the sword by the blade and forcefully takes it, cutting his hands.
"Embarrassing!!!" He mocks once more. He stabs the woman with her own weapon and She falls to the ground dying while gargling her own blood. The other two men panic.
The dark-skinned man points his gun and fires at the Hybrid.
"Magic spell: Shock Therapy!" The Asian man shouts. However, the Hybrid grabs the Asian man and uses him as a human shield. The bullet burns through his chest and blood comes out of his mouth. Before He dies, He summoned a spell. In a panic, however, it was electricity-based. So it shocks the whole area.

The dark-skinned man begins to shake violently.
"Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-You bastard....!!!!!!!" He tries to shout while being shocked by several thousands of bolts. The Hybrid slowly approaches him. He, too, is also getting electrocuted. But He smiles and laughs sadistically as He does. The electricity starts burning his eyes but He doesn't care. He still approaches.
"Ahaha.... Hahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
He finally reaches the final one and grabs his chin.
"Now tell me... I'll be nice and spare you. Just... Gotta tell me something. Where is She? Where is... 'Madam'...?"

The man doesn't know who He is talking about.
"B-B-B-B-Buuuurn in hellll-l-l-l-l-l!!!!!!!!" He shouts in agony. The Hybrid rolls his eyes in disappointment.
"Whatever. Die." He stabs the man in the head. His body fell to the ground. The Hybrid begins to walk away.

"Better lay low until six. Meh. I'm hungry. Might as well eat before."
He walks away from the three corpses. Leaving them for someone to find.


Cryptids: The Beginning Arc. [book 1] |REDUX|Where stories live. Discover now