chapter 19: "black-eyed hybrid vs. wolf."

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"I'm sorry, sir... But you want us to... Hold back?" Sarah mutters confused.

A few minutes before the group began fighting The Wolf, while they waited for Dayvawn, Sarah received a call from Captain. He smiles from his office.
"Yes. I want to see what the rookie is capable of. You all know how rare a Hybrid is so I would like to experiment and spectate to see what will go down. Of course, I'm not telling you to die. Of course not. You are my star Division after all. But just try to hold back, hm?"

Sarah looks at her group. Her friends. She shakes her head.
"What if one of us gets injured or... Die?" Sarah looks at the group once more, they happily wait for Dayvawn's arrival.
"Haha! You'll be fine. After all, Sarah... You and Alex are... Meta. I trust you two won't go down with a fight."

Back to the current fight.

The Wolf drops Champ onto the ground and begins to scream in pain.
"HURRRRKKKK!!!! HOWLLLL!!!" The Wolf snarls and howls.
Dayvawn's eye starts throbbing.
"I'll kill you!!!!!"
He swings his sword at the creature's right leg, cutting it off.
The Wolf falls to its knees.


"JUST... DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The Wolf howls and Dayvawn shouts in unison.
Dayvawn swings his sword into its head, He gets his blade stuck in the skull, He struggles, unable to take it out.
Dayvawn uses all his strength to push the blade through.
"HOOOOOWWWLLLLLLL!!!!!" "AGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" The Wolf and Dayvawn shout in unison once more.

The Wolf grabs the sword with its remaining arm and shatters it, Dayvawn feels the impact, his eyes spin in his head and he gets dizzy. He stumbles and wobbles.
"S-SHIT!" Dayvawn yells in fear.
"Dayvawn!" Alex shouts.
Alex tries to help but is unable to get up. "Crap... Get up, Alexander!!!"

The Wolf's head tumbles to the ground.
"Huh...?" Says Dayvawn confused.
Sarah stands next to Dayvawn and the now-dead Wolf.
"Mission accomplished." Sarah says.
The creature's body falls to the ground seemingly dead.

"Huff... Huff... Huff..." Dayvawn is short of breath, his hair wet from sweat and blood. He smiles.


Dayvawn looks at his left arm.

"Woah... So much..."


Dayvawn starts to lose consciousness.

"Tired and hurt..."

Dayvawn falls to the ground.

Alex gets up and rushes to Dayvawn.
"DJ!" He starts shaking Dayvawn violently.
"Dayvawn, wake up!"
Tears start filling Alex's eyes as He fears for the worse.
Ally rushes to Alex and Dayvawn.
Sarah looks at the group.

"Crap... Is Dayvawn okay?" Ally says.
"Yes! H-He is!" Alex's face is full of tears as He replies to the question.
Sarah is short of words. She stares blankly at Dayvawn, devoid of emotion.

"(So... This is the power of a Hybrid...)"
Sarah looks at Alex.
"Let's go. Let's take the nightcrawler and go..."
"B-But D-DJ! Dayvawn! He's hurt! We put too much strain on his body!!" Alex stutters while crying.

"..." Sarah stares at nothing. It is almost like She is in a trance.
She looks up to see the sun beaming through the trees, warmth hitting her face as the light seeps through. She puts her hand out, pointing her finger at the sun.
"Ahh... This feeling..." She whispers.

"He's fine. Let's just go."

"Shit... My head hurts."
Chowder walks up rubbing her head.
"Oh! Can I?" Chowder points to the now-dead Wolf Cryptid. Her mouth begins to drool.
"Go ahead." Says Sarah.

Sarah walks away, leaving the group alone.
"Okay... Let's leave, guys." Says Ally.
"Champ, help me."
Ally and Champ pick up Dayvawn's body.

Sarah, far away from the group calls Captain.
"I've got information on Dayvawn. Just like you asked." Her face is worrisome.
"What is the update."
Captain's voice is on the other line.

"Dayvawn used a Blood-Blade and passed out. He struggled a bit. No casualties among us. Champ's arm is slashed, and Chowder might have a broken rib... But that's all." Sarah says in her monotone voice.
"I see," Captain says.
Captain starts laughing at the situation.
"That is... Crazy. He didn't go... Berserk, did He?"

"For a split second, He might of. He passed out." Sarah says while sitting down. "His eye went full black, but it is back to normal." She looks around to see if anyone is listening. No one. Captain claps from the other end.
"I see. He's strong, but not enough for not passing out on his first time using the blade. And, He went berserk."
Sarah can feel Captain's grin from light-years away.
"Okay. Come back to base. I'm out on my mission for now, but... Ha... I'll be there soon. Oh, and Sarah. Once you come back to base... For your hard work, I have a reward. Oh, by the way. Since Dayvawn passed out, unfortunately, I was hoping for a Hybrid that can, well, push its limits. So..."

"I want you to terminate him." As
Captain says this He immediately hangs up on Sarah.

"Hm? Terminate...!? Captain... What do you..." Sarah mutters to herself in confusion.
"What are you up to? Kill... Dayvawn...? Captain... You're... Joking... Right...?" She knows him being on a mission is fishy. Of course, He does go on missions like the rest, but Captain is a known sloth, making his employees go instead. Why today of all days? She ponders. As to what He said at the end. Terminate Dayvawn? Kill him...?
Sarah looks back at the trail behind her.
"Dayvawn Jonathan Mclark. You did well. But now... You must rest.
" She whispers to herself and puts the phone in her pocket.

Sarah smiles and starts to walk away, tears falling down her face.
"I'm sorry, everyone... Alex... Chowder... Champ... Ally..."
As Sarah walks through the forest, She doesn't notice something. Something looming.
A dark creature stalks Sarah a top of a tree. It is large and bulky, its appearance is that of a humanoid bug, With dark-colored feathers. Its eyes shine a bright, deep red color.

"Interesting." The creature mumbles to itself with a deep, growly, burly voice.

"She is with Captain... So, so, so very interesting."

"The time is near, yes? The time for the uprising."

The creature opens its wings with a wingspan of 20 ft.
It jumps off the tree and flies off.

"Soon." It grumbles to itself.


Cryptids: The Beginning Arc. [book 1] |REDUX|Where stories live. Discover now