chapter 6: "party with stalkers."

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Back to current-day events.

Dayvawn approaches his vehicle and gets in. He exhales loudly. "Crap... Those people were... Something. I knew the FBI had some screws loose but... Wow..."

His eyes look at the rearview window. His face is reflected on it. The solid black eye taunts him. He is reminded of that... Day. Is this one, huge, big prank by Jasmine? A very long dream in a dream? He puts on the sunglasses once more and starts the vehicle.

e takes off from the parking lot and drives away. He turns on the radio to ease his mind. Tears begin to fall down his face and his lips shake.

"This... Isn't real... Right...?" He softly cries to himself. The traffic light turns red and he stops. He wipes off the tear and feels his phone vibrate. He checks it and sees a text from Jasmine.
"Hey, party is starting soon. U coming?" It reads. Dayvawn quickly types up a response. "Yea. Course. Omw." He sends it. Jasmine replies. "Danklicious!"

A car honks at him. The light turned green almost ten seconds ago. He quickly drives away annoyed. "Annoying ass punks... God, I hate San Antonio drivers." He mutters. Half an hour passes and He arrives at the place. Parking his car and getting out He sighs. The house is rather large, perfect for a college party. He can already hear the loud music blasting from outside. He looks around to see multiple cars parked all over the place. He fixes his composure and begins to approach the house.

Dayvawn walks in and is greeted by a large crowd. He gets slightly overwhelmed as they block his path. A Caucasian man walks up to him. "Ah, Dayvawn! You made it!" His energetic voice yells. Dayvawn looks at him, a rich-looking man stands there wearing a suit. His hair is blonde and his eyes are olive green.

"Oh... Hey, Austin." Dayvawn mutters. Austin nears closer and grabs Dayvawn by the shoulder.
"Why do you sound so disappointed? You're at my party, after all. C'mon, look at the booze, chicks- or guys, hehe. I don't judge." He says in a passive-aggressive way. Dayvawn begins to think to himself. "(Great. This guy hasn't forgiven me for the... Incident...)"

"I mean, well, I just got here... So I can't really judge." Dayvawn replies. Austin gives a spiteful smile. "Well, enjoy yourself, man. This party is lit, and you don't wanna miss it! Heh... Just don't go up to my parents or my room. Because, well, people are already busy in it I believe..."

Dayvawn slowly nods his head. "Uh-huh..." He says. He begins to walk more into the house. The booming, blaring music drowns out the loud conversations. Dayvawn is looking around to find Jasmine, and yet, He doesn't see her. His face begins to worry. However, He jolts around due to a sudden shout.

"Dayvawn!" Jasmine yells from across the house. She quickly darts to him and waves. "You made it! Yaaay!" She hugs him. "Of course! You invited me, would be a shame if I didn't come." He says with a cheerful smile. Jasmine looks behind him and her smile grows even larger. "Oh! Did you bring friends? They don't look familiar. Do they go to our college?"

Dayvawn is confused. "Huh? What do you mean? Eh?" He turns around. His eyes burst out of his socket and his mouth gapes wide open. Behind him waving is Alex. Alongside Ally, Chowder, Champ, and, of course, Sarah. "WH-WH-WH-WH-WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Dayvawn shouts extremely loud. It matches the music in decimals and almost the whole house turns around. They look at him bewildered and go back to partying. Jasmine is confused. "Um, Dayvawn?" She says to him.

"Hey, DJ. This is a nice place! Thanks for letting us tag along!" Alex says as cheerful as ever. Chowder, with a cup of alcohol already in hand gives a thumbs up. "Yeah. This place gives the good stuff, too! Oh yeah, come to Mama...!!!" She whispers to her drink. Dayvawn, completely puzzled, cannot muster a coherent sentence. "Dwah... You... Sarah... Mall... Here... Came... Ice cream...?"

Cryptids: The Beginning Arc. [book 1] |REDUX|Where stories live. Discover now