Chapter 4

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I must be losing my mind. It's probably the wine, it has to be. Then again, wine never did have an effect on me. The brief eye contact we made confirmed my suspicion, it is her. Leah. I can't believe it's been four years happened. Four years since I had to make the most difficult decision of my life. Wow, she looks breath-taking and very happy. I guess our years apart didn't really have much of an effect on her as much as it did me. I have to talk to her, hear her voice, make sure she is really here and that I am not losing my mind.

I saw her heading to what I assume is the bathroom so I excused myself from the table and did the same. Leah already went in and once she came out from the bathroom she stood against the wall. She looked pale and for some reason I have this ache in my chest. After four years, I still care. How can I not? She once meant everything to me. I waited a minute or so before approaching her. She looked absolutely gorgeous with her red dress hugging every single curve her body has to offer, her sexy heels that I would love to feel with her legs wrapped- wait, no. I headed towards her and the only words I could manage to say is, "Leah, is that you?"

What was that? Of course, it's her. How could I ever forget her?

Her eyes, her beautiful green eyes were turning a light shade of blue. They always did that when she was sad or right before she would cry. I wanted to reach out to her, fuck I wanted to hold her so bad and say "I'm here, I'm right here." Seeing her here tonight, like this, in this godforsaken dress and with him. A rush of anger crawled up my chest and I didn't want to imagine all the things they have done. He got to see her, talk to her, touch her...fuck her. Before my thoughts could run wilder than they already have, she spoke in that soft angelic voice of hers. "Sorry, I think you have me confused with someone else."

And with that she rushed off back to him, not sparing me one glance. You have got to be shitting me. She just denied who she was, to me who knows her better than she knows herself. Some things never change, I guess.

Heading back to the table, I see Charlotte staring at me with that seductive smile of hers, but my attention is on Leah who is sitting on that dick's lap. In a restaurant are you kidding me?! For fuck shakes. I clench my jaw and ball my fists, I am ready to murder someone, but I have to control myself. Taking a few breathes I head to my seat ready for this night to end, now. The deal is done, the contract will be delivered by tomorrow and signed on Monday morning. "Charlotte, Mr. Von Ashberg, I thank you for your time and for choosing Alias Security to invest in." With that I stood, shook both of their hands and excused myself, ready for this night to end.

I walked towards my car and as I got in, a very uninvited guest followed suit. "Charlotte, what are you doing?" I sighed, not at all in the mood for her games. I held my arm out to check the time on my Rolex watch and saw it is well past nine. I just wanted to get out of here, back to my hotel and sleep.

"I just thought maybe you can give me a ride home." She said casually closing the door. I looked at her as if she is crazy, because she is fucking crazy. We just had a business meeting and she is willing to complicate things with having sex, which will most definitely lead her on to think there can come something more out of it. Which there won't, not now, not ever. Not in the mood to argue, I put my safety belt on and drive off.

The ride is quiet, other than her giving me directions to her place, and so far, she is behaving herself or maybe I spoke too soon. Charlotte placed her hand on my thigh, squeezing slightly. She moves her hand higher until she almost reach my crotch. "Charlotte..." I warned her. Not because I am turned on, not one bit, but because she is crossing dangerous waters. Come to think of it, maybe once won't cause any harm. Leah is probably getting fucked by that little dick Logan and just the thought of it is enough for me to shoot somebody's brains out.

"Oh, come on. You know you want me as much as I want you and I know what reputation you have. You don't do relationships and lucky for you I'm not looking for one." She moves her hand higher and she grips my cock in her hands. "We're here, please make sure the contract is on my table by tomorrow morning." I said as I unlocked the doors for her to get out. A very upset Charlotte gets out of my car, rolling her eyes. Good, maybe she'll even find her brain in there and understand I'll never sleep with her or even lay as much as a hand on her. As much as I want a release from this anger, I will simply not cross that line and now that Leah is in my eye sight, I don't care about any other woman.

I have only one goal now and that is to make her mine, again. 


What do you think happened between Christian & Leah in the past for her to even pretend she's not her? LOL! 

Remember to vote & share your thoughts!

All my love, Charne x

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