Chapter 11

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I'm tired. Tired of this day, this week, this situation with Christian, overthinking every little thing that happens. I'm just, tired. For a moment I thought Christian and I shared a moment, that we were going to move on from pretending not to know each other to actually sorting our shit out. Until he called me 'Miss Whitlock' again when Logan entered. My guard shot back up faster than my brain could process what was happening. The kiss was amazing. The way he took over my mouth like it has always been his, making sure no one else will be able to pass the bar he set so dangerously high. At least in that department. After what happened right after our kiss, the way it was so easy for him to slip back into pretending like we were mere work acquaintances, had me realizing that maybe that is exactly what I have to do...find someone else so I can finally move on from him! 

Logan is sweet, kind, caring and would go out of his way to make sure anybody and everybody is happy. He is safe. He is the exact opposite from Christian and that is exactly what I need in a guy. Someone who doesn't resemble Christian in any way. "You okay?" Logan's voice sounds in a far distance, but I turn to face him where he sits in the driver's seat of the SUV all Christian's employees drive. "Yeah, I'm fine. Your boss is just such an asshole." I say trying to lighten the mood with a playful voice, when really, I mean it from the bottom of my heart. That earns me a low chuckle from Logan and it warms my heart. "You'll get used to it. We all know that's how he is so we don't really expect anything else." Logan says and maybe he's got a point there. If I didn't have such high expectations from Christian like manning up to his mistakes and treating me like I actually meant something to him, then maybe it wouldn't have hurt so much and hit so deep like it did now. Maybe if I stop expecting something from him, it wouldn't hurt as much when it just doesn't happen. 

"I'm sorry you have to put up with him. I don't think anyone deserves to be treated like that by someone. Boss or not." Logan simply shrugs like its nothing, but I'm pretty sure he feels the same about Christian's ways. As soon as we reach a road where I can finally pick up some signal, my phone chimes with more than thirty messages from Sarah.

Where are you?

I went to your apartment, but you weren't there!

Are you with Christian?

Just let me know if you're okay.

I didn't bother to read all of the messages after that, because most of them was just telling me to be open minded and that there are more to Christian's disappearing than just "black and white."  I've never really understood the reason why Sarah has always tried to convince me to understand that he had a "reason." An uneasy feeling settles in my stomach and I suddenly feel very nauseous. Putting those thoughts on hold, I turn on the radio for the remainder of the trip to my apartment. The silence almost deafening. I don't know whether to tell Logan about my past with Christian. Logan and I barely know each other and we will probably not get past the friend stage no matter how hard I try to convince myself otherwise, but I feel that it's the right thing to do. 

"Christian Armani, the owner of Alias Security has been spotted with Charlotte Von Ashberg this late afternoon heading to what looks like – "

The woman on the radio brings me from my thoughts and I turn it off before she can get another word in. "Don't they have anything better to broadcast on the freaking radio?" I ask with a sigh and Logan side eyes me, trying to focus on me and the road at the same time. "What?" I ask, pulling up my shoulders in question. "I'm sure there are more important news than Christian Armani. You can't even call that news. That is pure gossip." I huff, crossing my arms and staring out the window.

"So, how are you feeling about working for Mr. Armani for the next month or so?" Logan asks, trying to make conversation. I don't even hesitate before replying, "Not looking forward to it at all, but I love designing and my company can use the exposure. Working for one self, trying to make a name in an industry that is so competitive has you giving up your peace and an arm and leg for a project like this." Logan laughs at my rambling and my cheeks feel warm. I feel so comfortable being around him, but will that be enough? "You know that Mr. Armani had all of us sign an NDA that the location of the cabin may not be disclosed or photographed for any reason. So, I don't think you will be seeing your work in magazines or on any gossip sites, unless a paparazzi found out about it somehow." My body stills, taking in the information before my temper starts boiling. Biting my tongue, I say through gritted teeth, "I did not know that." I'm pretty sure there are fumes coming out of my ears right about now.

"There you are!" Sarah screeches once I enter my apartment, Logan hot on my heels. "Logan?" She asks with a raised eyebrow when he enters my living room after me, closing my rustic wooden door behind us. "So that's where you've been all day?" She asks with curious eyes, trying to investigate the situation. "Sarah, you remember Logan. Logan, you remember Sarah." I introduce the two again and suddenly there was a very tense atmosphere. I feel uncomfortable in my own home and I do not like it. "I'll just grab my things then we can get going again. Wouldn't want to get you in trouble with your boss." I say to Logan and grab Sarah by the arm to follow me to my room. 

"What are you doing here? You know I only gave you a key for emergencies!" I whisper shout, not wanting Logan to hear. "I thought it was. I haven't heard from you all day, your messages weren't going through and your phone went straight to voicemail!" She whisper shouts back, poking her finger into my arm. Swatting her away, grabbing a duffel bag and starting to pack a few things, she raise a suspicious eyebrow. "Where are you going? Oh my...are you going over to Logan's? Leah, you can't ju-"

"Sarah, stop. I'm not going over to Logan's." I say, not really in the mood to explain the whole situation from the start to end. "Good." She utters in relieve. I stop packing, crossing my arms before asking, "Would that have bothered you?" She sighs and start playing with her necklace which she only does when she's nervous. "I just think now that Christian-" I throw my hands up in the air, so ready to be done with this topic for the rest of my life if possible. "Sarah, stop. I know you're trying to be there for me and for some insane reason you keep trying to push me back to Christian because – and I quote "he had a good reason" – but let's not forget that you were the same person who basically gave me no option than to go on a date with Logan!" Throwing the last few things in my bag, I close the zipper. "I know, Leah. I know, but now that Christian is back you can-"

"Okay, you know what Sarah, I'm done with this conversation and this topic. After the kiss today, I know that things will never..." Stopping myself mid – sentence, I realize my mistake and Sarah's hands flew up to her mouth, eyes wide in shock. "What kiss?" She asked, her voice barely a whisper. I make a mental note to thank Logan for interrupting at the right moment this time, not like earlier today at the cabin. "Sorry to interrupt, but we have to leave soon if we want to get there before dark." I nod to Logan. Silently thanking him with my eyes. He acknowledges the thanks with a smile, but I don't think he realizes just what conversation he is saving me from. "I'm sorry, Sarah, but we really have to get going. I will be gone for a few weeks. I know we have a lot to discuss, but can we do it when I get back?" I say, in a hurry to leave this uncomfortable conversation just to head to another uncomfortable situation. Can my life get any better? "Weeks? You can't be serious?!" She full on shouts as I leave my apartment and closing the door. I know she'll look after my place while I'm gone, but I also know she'll have enough time to write down about a million questions and then some.  

Hi everyone!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Leah is going to have some interesting few weeks😏😏

Until next time x


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