Chapter 7

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"That's what he said?" Sarah confirms with what might as well be a huge question mark on her face. "I'm telling you, Sarah. He said he doesn't sleep with blondes only brunettes. I mean, that has got to mean something, right?" I ask not only to her but myself too. "Okay, Leah, why don't you come sit down for a bit?" Sarah asks, gesturing to my bed. We decided to have a little girls night, and I feel bad that my life drama is taking up most of our "Love is blind" and wine time, but nobody knows the situation better than Sarah. "I'm fine, Sarah, but thanks." I say to her offer. "I know you're fine." She says, but I know she knows I'm not, because I'm really not fine! "I'm just worried about you wearing out the floorboards from all the pacing you've been doing for the past two hours." She said as she stood up and guided me by my arm to the bed. "Two hours? Wow, have I really been talking about him for that long?" Now I feel even worse. I don't know what I would have done without Sarah in my life. "That's okay, honey. What are friends for?" She says with so much patience and love in her voice. That alone almost had me in tears.

I threw my arms around her and gave her a hug, because right now, I didn't know any other way how to thank her. "You're the best, you know that right?" It isn't so much as a question as it was a statement. She pulls away from me slightly to look me in the eyes. "I only want what's best for you Leah. You're like the sister I never had and believe me, I really wanted a sister." Now both of us were on the verge of crying rivers, but that made us burst into laughter. This was my definition of happiness. Sarah.

"Let's get a little serious for a moment." Sarah says and even her voice turned serious, something that didn't often happen in our friendship, because she was always the happy, jokester friend that knew how to brighten up any room and turn negative energy into positive energy. I sigh, "Fine, what are we being serious about?" I knew what was coming and I really wasn't sure whether I was ready to answer or even had the right answer any way.

"Do you still love him?" She asked hesitantly, her voice barely a whisper. Like I would break if she spoke too loudly. How do I answer a question like that? "We've been through a lot in the past. Most of our ups and downs we've experienced with each other. Good times and bad times." I could hear my own voice crack with emotion. "We fought so, so hard to finally be together and as soon as he had me..." The first tear finally escaped, made it out from behind the walls I put up. "He left. Like it was nothing. Like nothing we've been through meant anything to him." I could see the pain in Sarah's eyes. We shared our pain just like we shared each other's happiness. I didn't want her to feel my pain, because not even I wanted to feel it. 

Most days, I wish I could just leave all the pain behind. "I know many other people deal with similar or worse situations and knowing that fact, I feel so weak, Sarah. I feel like any little thing thrown my way can and will break me." She pulls me down onto the bed so we we're laying down, staring at the ceiling. "You're not weak, Leah. You're human. Being human sucks big time and love is so fucking overrated, but you are not weak, because every day you wake up and live your life. You've been doing that without him for four years now, but I think you need to answer the question. Not for me, but for yourself. Be really honest, because saying it out loud instead of just bottling it up or trying to cover your feelings with reasons why or why you shouldn't feel a certain way..." Sarah takes a deep breath. "it may help you acknowledge and understand what it is you actually feel and then you will start to figure out how to start healing from this."

I turned my head to look at my best friend. "When did you become the smart one?" I said jokingly, because honestly, I don't think I can answer that question even to myself right now. "Hey!" She started tickling me. I was laughing so loud, I even started to snort in between. "You ready for "Love is blind" with some wi-" My sentence was interrupted by my doorbell and both Sarah and I were looking at each other. "Do you have any other friends I should know about?" She asked me and I raise my eyebrow. "No...Do you?" She shakes her head and her ponytail waves along with the motion. 

"Well, you have to go see who it is." She shoos me away. "Do I?" I nag like a little child who's asked to do chores. Before she can answer, the doorbell rang again. "Fine." I sighed and got up from the bed. I was only wearing an oversized t-shirt with a panda bear on it. It stopped right above my knees, covering my teeny tiny shorts. When I opened the door, I did not expect him to be standing there with roses. "Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked, my voice sounding a lot more suspicious than it needed be. "I was just in the neighbourhood, saw a lady selling flowers across the street, thought of you and here I am, bringing them to you." Logan said out of breath. 

I had to admit this was really not what I expected when I opened my front door, but seeing him in all of his Greek god glory, who would complain? Rhetorical question, because I can assure you, no one would. "So, you're sticking with that story? The 'I was in the neighbourhood?'" I asked, trying to lighten the mood, because his nervousness obviously started rubbing off on me. "Yeah, sort off." He chuckled. "Well, it was really sweet of you thinking off me. Would you like to come in?" I asked, but at that moment, Sarah came out of the room. "Leah, what's taking you so – " She stopped in her tracks and a smile took over her worrying face. "Never mind, please continue." She literally reversed in her footsteps and I even heard her shut my bedroom door. 

"Well, it looks like you're already busy, but how about we go out sometime next week?" He asked. I smiled, a genuine smile. "That would be lovely." He released a breath at my response and we both laughed. "Okay, great. I'll text you?" He asked as he was getting ready to leave. "Yes and thank you again for the flowers." I watched him walk off before I shut the door. I had to stop and take in the fact that such a handsome and thoughtful guy wants to take me out...again!

Before I could walk two steps towards my room, the bell rang again. It was probably Logan, again. As soon as I opened the door, I shut it again, but obviously he had to go and be stronger than I was so he could stop me from having the pleasure at slamming the damn door in his face. "What do you want, Mr. Armani?" 

Two chapters in one day?! I hope you are enjoying the story so far? Please share your thoughts and remember to vote on each chapter. 

Thank you for reading Back to strangers!

All my love, Charne x

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