Chapter 5

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My "moving on" lasted as long as ice in the middle of a desert. Once Logan and I, reached my apartment I contemplated whether I should invite him in. A few minutes ago, I would have let him in without a flicker of a doubt and I know we would have had amazing sex, I'm sure, but I just couldn't. This day, this night and this dinner was just too long. I needed a shower, a big tub of ice cream and of course, wine. What would life be without wine? Probably boring, that's for sure.

So, I turned to face Logan and as if he read my mind, a lazy smile crossed his face, "Tonight might not have been the best date for you, but for me it was amazing. Just because I got to hear your voice and got to know you better." He said it so confidently. This wasn't a date in my eyes, but he is so sweet, I didn't want to correct him. He took my hands in his and placed a tender kiss on my left hand, pausing to look at my ring finger. That's an odd thing to do. There was a few beats of silence and I decided that it was time to end the night.

"Thank you so much for tonight, Logan. And thank you for not spilling coffee or in this, all over me at dinner. It's greatly appreciated." I really liked joking about that small moment I shared with him. Truth be told, it's just such a cliché how we met that I had to make fun of it. The chuckle that left him sent shivers down my spine and before I could make something more out of it, he turned to walk away.

"I'll see you again, Leah. Soon." He promised before hailing for a cab. "Of course, you will." I replied as he got in and the cab drove off. A small smile reached my lips as I headed into my building and even though I had no intension of having a relationship, Logan really was a good guy and this dinner was probably the most fun I had with a guy in...years.

Pulling me from my thoughts, I see all the people from my building gathering around the lobby. Some look confused, some irritated and some look terrified. "What's going on?" I asked a random lady from my building. She shrugged her shoulders before saying, "I don't know. Something about a break in." I looked around the room once more, that didn't explain why everyone was gathering in the lobby if there was one break in.

"Then why is everyone in the lobby?" I questioned, trying to understand what's the big deal.

"Well, whoever broke in, did so in five apartments and three people was injured. Apparently, they got shot in an attempt to stop him from taking their things." The lady explained casually as if this was an everyday occurrence.

Obviously, this came as a shock to me because our building is in a very safe and secluded area, but I guess crime happens everywhere. From what I could understand, everybody was gathered in the lobby as the police searched the building to be sure every apartment was cleared and safe from any unwanted visitors. The one guy was caught, but his accomplice, and apparently the mastermind behind the whole occurrence, got away.

The owner of the building gave us an update from the police and said the building was cleared and it is safe to return to our apartments. He also enlightened us that security cameras will be installed throughout the building's hallways, elevator, lobby and a security system at the entrance of the building. We will all receive a tag in order for us to enter the building. I wasn't someone that got scared easily so this whole event didn't really bother me. I would probably have a different opinion if I had been the one to be shot, but even then, I would have gotten over it. I just wish it was so easy when it came to other aspects of my life, but I guess all our qualities can't be perfect.

Slipping out of my dress and finally getting out of these killer heels, I hopped into the shower. The water falling to my face as I try to forget his face, his voice and how his mere presence made my whole body react. Every memory flashed before my eyes, but unfortunately the last memory dimmed all the others. Pain. All I could feel was pain. I turned off the shower, ready for bed, but before I headed for my bed, I called Logan. Not only to thank him for the wonderful night on his part, but also to ask if he could help me get cameras and alarms installed in my apartment. I know they are getting ones installed throughout the whole building, but it would just put my mind more at ease knowing I have inside my apartment as well. Logan did say he works for a security company so I might as well ask him.

The phone rang for only two beats before he answered. His voice sounded sexy over the phone and I shook my head trying to not get caught up in his Greek god qualities. "Hi, stranger." I could hear his smile over the phone and I couldn't stop the smile from taking over on my face. "Hi, Greek g- I mean Logan." I mentally slap myself for the slip up.

"To what do I owe the pleasure for this phone call this time of the night?"

"I just wanted to say thank you, again, for tonight." I said as if it's no big deal and I could hear his little chuckle over the phone. It was cute.

"You're welcome. I would like to take you out again sometime soon and maybe then when you fall in my lap it will be in a non – public space and I can act on it."

My heart pounded like drums inside my chest. Was this what excitement felt like? I nodded my head, but forgot he can't see me. "Well, I would have to check my schedule. I think I have two appointments for guys to spill their coffee on me." I know that would get old, but I had to say it at least one more time. He laughed and it sounded sexy as hell. With that, I asked him about the instalment for the security system and he said they can do it first thing Monday morning. At the end of the conversation with Logan I could feel the tiredness take over and I was asleep within minutes.

"So, you're telling me he was there, at the exact restaurant you were at and he asked you if it was you?" I rolled my eyes, "Yes, Sarah. That is what I explained to you." We were on our morning run and of course she wanted a detailed description of how my "date" went. When I told her nothing happened between Logan and I, it seemed as though she was more disappointed than me. Considering how long it's been since I had any form of physical contact, I was the one who should be upset. I might as well be a virgin again, that's how long it has been.

"I think it's fate." Sarah deadpanned. I stopped next to a bench to take a breath. "What ever do you mean, dear friend?" I asked almost sarcastically. Actually, that was full sarcasm. I know exactly what she meant. "I've always told you, if it's meant to be, it will be and now it will be." I rolled my eyes as I watched her tie her shoe laces that went loose on the run. "I know he left you broken, Leah, but I also know that guy loved you more than he loved himself. He must have had a good reason for leaving."

I jumped up from the bench. How could she be defending that asshole right now? I am her best friend, the one who cried myself to sleep, had nightmares as I called for him and went to therapy about it – correction – still go to therapy about it. I can't even go on a date without his face popping up and this time, literally popping up. She had to be there through it all, yet she is trying to defend him. "Drop it, Sarah. He is in my past. It's best he stays there."

We continued running and I prayed she'd drop the topic. "But, he's in New York now. Maybe, you guys shou-" I cut her off before she could finish her sentence. "No, we should nothing. The sooner he packs his bags and leave, the better." I hated how harsh I sounded, but this was never an easy topic for me. She lifted her hands in surrender and the rest of our run was in silence. That was exactly what I needed.

Hi everyone! 

Thank you so much for reading this far!

When I was writing this chapter, I personally felt a lot of emotion because I know exactly how it feels to be in Leah's headspace, but I also know how it feels to be the supportive friend that just keeps on trying to be there for a friend that is going through a rough time. 

So, I am not ending this chapter on a cliffhanger, because there is more than enough of those heading your way throughout the book.

All my love, Charne

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