Chapter 23

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It was just another day, coming to the cabin and waiting for Leah. It's been a daily occurrence where we pretend to loathe each other's company, when really the both of us secretly enjoy being around each other. At least, I really hope that's the case, otherwise she's a hell of an actress. I often catch her staring over at me, thinking I don't notice the way she bites her lip while sneaking a glance. 

I'm busy with work on my laptop, looking over an email from Charlotte von Ashberg, which has absolutely nothing to do with work. I consider blocking her email address. Since she is an investor in my company and considered a partner now, I can't really do that. So, I simply close the email and with that my phone chimes. I don't even hesitate to answer when I see who is calling. With a smile on my face I say, "Isabel. Do you have it for me?"

"Hello to you too, Christian." She says in a sarcastic yet light tone. "Semantics. Do you?" We have a quick conversation. The joy and excitement that courses through my body at the news she just gave me has me rushing out of the cabin without even a word to any of the workers. I should probably not have left them alone and waited until Leah was here to keep an eye on the process of things, but I can't wait. This, can't wait!

On my way to Isabel's place, I hum to the radio, my heart feeling light. I have never been this excited about anything in a while. I pull up in front of her house, which can be described as your everyday white picket fence homes. Except, she doesn't have kids or a dog, so a house this size is actually unnecessary, but hey, I'm not judging. I basically sprint to her front door, ringing the doorbell and knocking at the same time. That's how excited I am. I tap my foot, waiting impatiently as I hear her making her way towards the door. "Jeez, could you be any more annoying? You know when there's a doorbell, you don't have to knock too, right?" I don't wait for an invitation as I brush past her and make my way into her living room. 

Sitting down on her sofa, I wait. "So? Where is it?" I ask. "You're a real sunshine, do you know that?" She says with a roll of her eyes. "I know." I say with a smirk. "Do you want something to drink?" She offers with a sinister smile, enjoying the way she's holding out on me way too much. I don't have time for chit chat. I need to get back to the cabin so I can see Leah. I glare at her in response to her question and she holds up her hands in fake surrender. "Fine. Nothing to drink. You're no fun."

"I'm not a game. I'm not supposed to be fun." Unless I'm around Leah. Then I'll be anything she wants me to be. With that thought I ask, "So do I need to remind you how to use your feet or are you going to go and get what I came here for?" She huffs and scurries off into a hallway and disappears behind a door. While I wait, my phone starts to ring. I didn't think I could have a bigger smile, but that proved me wrong when I see her name flash across my screen. I pick up on the second ring, not wanting to make the same mistake about not answering her calls or even making her wait.

Leah rarely calls me. If ever. So, it's to my surprise when she says it's about a stupid delivery. I don't believe that's why she called. She was either on her way to reprimand me about not being at the cabin that was crawling with workers, leaving them unattended or she subconsciously wanted to hear my voice. I hope it's the latter, because then that would put the both of us in the same boat. "So here is the..." Isabel's voice echoes through the room as she enters and I quickly cover my phone with my one hand so Leah can't hear the remainder of Isabel's sentence. Shit. I really hope she didn't hear. I indicate to Isabel to be quiet and she mimes a "sorry." I go to talk to Leah again and I hear the slight tremble in her voice that wasn't there mere seconds ago. No. No. No! I really hope she's not getting the wrong idea. I don't let her know that I pick up on the change until it becomes clearer that she's on the verge of crying with her voice becoming hoarse like she's trying anything in her power to hold back from doing just that.

After out conversation end, I'm left feeling unsettled. The need to rush back to Leah, is burning through my body like I'm deprived of oxygen and she is my life source. "Can we get this along?" I say to Isabel. "Woah. What's with the change of mood? Where's that contagious, bubbly energy you came in here with?" She says with a concerned look on her face, but I shoot daggers at her. A warning that she's testing my patience. "Can you just give me what I paid you to find?" She hands be a small black box and my heart momentarily stops. I hold my breath as I open the box, hoping to god that she found the right thing and that she's not just wasting my time. My breath catches in my throat and I am stunned. She actually did it. She found it.


I hope you're enjoying the story so far and thank you to those that have continued to read "Back to Strangers"😊

I know Leah and Christian has a lot of history and problems, but by the end everything will make sense! 

All my love, Charne 💕

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