Chapter 24

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I take a moment to calm my racing heart as I sit in my car, still in front of Isabel's house. My finger trembles as I trace the box with its contents inside. "Wow. She really found it." I say to myself. I place the box into the glove compartment and gently close it, afraid it might damage if I'm not careful. I start the engine, my car roaring to life and finally, I take off in the direction of the cabin. I've been spending so much time there, I might as well move in there myself. It's only until the project is done. I remind myself.

It's not even five minutes before my phone rings, again, and I reach for it. A source of unvalidated irritation fills me when I see it's Logan. I know he and Leah had been on a date and that they have made a few casual plans here and there, but I know he's not the guy for Leah. He's just not her type. Oh, and you are? My own inner voice chastises and I wonder if I'm not just being selfish. Maybe, I am, but I don't care. If Leah and I can't make things work this time round, then I'll let her go. Reluctantly. They'll probably have to restrain me, because I just know I'll be a jealous bastard who'd carve out the eyes and cut off the hands of any other man that dares look at or touch her. I'd be lying if I said that thought hadn't crossed my mind a few times with Logan. He's my employee though so I need to show a little self – preservation. The phone dies down before I can pick up and I figured if it was important or an emergency he'd call again.

Much to my demise, he calls a second time, but I'm on the road and don't like being on my phone while driving. When it rings a third time, I pull off the road and take the call. "I'm guessing this is important since you've been calling non – stop." I don't try and cover my annoyance towards him calling, which is wrong since he has the right to call me as an employee of mine. Although, he does have someone to report to. Imagine every employee of mine calling me with every single problem. Which means, this is not about work. "It's Leah." Is all he says. Like that explains anything. My heartrate picks up, my fingers start to tingle and a tremble assembles throughout my body. "More, Logan. You need to say more." I say through gritted teeth, wondering how the hell this guy is good at his job if he takes this long to get to the damn point. 

"Well, I'm not sure what's wrong, but I'm here at the cabin- " What?  "Why are you at the cabin?" I interrupt him. "Can you let me finish!" He raises his voice at me and a growl of disapproval leaves me. "Sorry. Anyway, so I'm at the cabin and I see workers roaming around outside, not really doing any work. I go inside and find a sleeping Leah on the couch." He says and I feel a little bit lighter. She probably fell asleep. She did mention that she was overly tired. A pang of guilt washes over me. She's so tired because she wants to complete this project as soon as possible so she can get away from me. My heart stings at that thought, but I remember Logan is on the phone as he calls out to me. 

"She's tired. Let her sleep." I say, although the thought of her asleep on the couch, leaving her vulnerable, with a dozen male workers around has anger making its way through my veins. They could have had their way with her and – I don't want to complete that train of thought. I just can't. "What? Didn't you hear what I just said!" Logan yells down the phone. Honestly, no, I didn't. My thoughts were everywhere except in the conversation. Sighing he says, "I said, I tried to wake her up, but she's not budging. Not even batting an eyelid. I tried shaking her, considered throwing cold water on her, but didn't because that can be dangerous. I don't know what to do." There my heart goes again and it feels like the air can't make its way through to my lungs. "Just stay with her and don't you dare touch her unless it's absolutely fucking necessary!" I yell down the phone and end the call. I dial another number as I pull up the road again, forgetting my entire motto of not driving while on the phone, but this is an emergency.

I reach the cabin in record time and just as I pull up, another car does the same. It must be the doctor I called. I sure as hell hope it is. "Mr. Armani." He nods in greeting as he falls into step beside me. Once we're inside the cabin, a sleeping Leah on the couch, I shove Logan away from her and I take his place, kneeling on the ground next to her. I run my hand over her forehead and she's burning up. "Has she woken up yet?" Logan shakes his head and adds, "Not even for a second."

The doctor makes his way over and stands next to me, placing a hand on my shoulder he nudges me to move, but I can't. I don't want to leave her side. "I need some space to look over her, Mr. Armani." I look up at him and then back at Leah. Nodding my head in understanding, I get up from where I was seated on the ground and start pacing the wooden floors. "Can one of you tell me exactly what happened?" The doctor inquires, but I can't tell him anything because I wasn't here. Why the hell wasn't I here? I'm never there when she needs me most. Maybe I should just leave. For good this time. She can find herself a nice guy that will never let her down. 

NO! The voice in my head shouts at me. I'm not doing that again. I told her I can be better. I can do better for her and now I will prove it. Logan explained to the doctor exactly what he told me and the doctor turned his attention back to a sleeping Leah. She actually looks lifeless and that has me sinking to my knees, clutching the ache in my heart. Logan rushes over to me and tries to help me up, but I shake him off. "She's going to be fine." He states. How can he be so sure? He must see the question in my eyes because he supplies, "She's a strong one. Don't ever doubt that about her."


Hi everyone!

Hope you're enjoying the updates so far🤗On to the next chapter!

Thanks for reading. 

All my love, Charne💕

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