A new Friend?

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I looked to see Josiah on the side of me snoring. I felt very hazey and dizzy last night.

I removed the blankets from off of me and slowly got up, revealing my naked body. I knew I was going to be in big trouble by not letting  mrs.mayson know what happened to me last night.  i slid on the dress i had night and by me stumbling over my heel i woke josiah up. 

"you okay?" he questioned. "yeah, i just have to hurry up and get back home" i said as i finished putting on my clothes.he chuckled and got up and headed into the bathroom and began brushing his teeth. i grew annoyed and searched for my purse. after retrieving it Josiah walked back in and began putting on his clothes.

"Tony , calm down, everything gon be ight ma" he said as he saw me looking a little bothered.

"We'll just tell your mom you wasn't feeling good, so I brought you to my place and you ended up crashing as soon as you got here" he said

"I'm not a good lier." I said to him."then ill talk now let's go " he said before walking me to his car.

The car ride to her house was was silent as I felt a little bothered. Last night I wanted to do that with Josiah and I feel good that I did but back at home something doesn't feel right.

We pulled up to my house and ranged the door bell.

"Well look at these two, where did y'all go to last night?" My grandmother asked.

"I'm sorry to disturb y'all this early in the morning but toniyah wasn't feeling too well, and my house was right up the street so I took her over there with my uncle supervision and let her sleep there. I hope that's okay ?"

My grandmother smiled and nodded

"Its fine baby , thank you for at least telling us. Ill inform my daughter when she gets up" my grandmother says

"Okay well I guess I'll see you later" he kissed me on the cheek and left. I turned to see my grandmother cheesing hard at me, giving me an uncomfortable stare."what?" i asked. "you were sick huh?" she re asked. "y...yeah" i knew she was going interrogate me and see if that really happened.

"What was wrong with  you?" she asked. " throwing up...i guess i got a little nauseous from eating the food and then dancing afterwards" i responded. "Okay...well everyone still sleep" she said. "was anyone worried where i was?" i asked curiously. "well of course honey. We all were. Tiana was mostly but i told her just to let you have your night of fun and see if you come back in the morning, and now that your here, everyone will be more relaxed" she explained. 

i nodded and attempted to walk away but a tight grip on my arm pulled me back. "But Tony....i must warn you. Please be careful with Josiah. I know you two are deeply passionate about each other but all that glitters tony isn't gold" she said. 

i nodded slowly and walked down the hall, into my room. Later on that day i got a text from Josiah saying he wanted to meet up with me. he texted me the address and since i didn't have anything else to do so i decided to go. 

i took a shower and changed into the best type of clothing i could find for myself. i noticed erin makeup sitting on her makeup table and couldn't help but to apply some on. I have make-up but they weren't good enough. I needed something more stronger.

after finishing up i grabbed my phone and walked to the living room where, Mrs. Mayson, Mr.Mayson. miracle, and grandma jay were. "Im stepping out" i said as i tried to make it to the door. "Wait hold on Tony," Mrs. Mayson stood. She slowly walked over to me and hugged me tight. I didn't know why but she just embraced me.

"As your...Foster mom, i just want to let you know that i really hope you are okay and i want you to make smart decisions. Im not going to isolate you because before us you never really had the chance to explore and be out so please be safe when your out there on your own" she said. 

i nodded and gave her a comforting hug.

i walked out of the doorway and Josiah pulled up. I hopped right on in and we sped off. "so where are we going?" he asked. "A walk...why you got all that shit on your face?" he asked. i frowned and immediately hanged my head down.

"i just wanted to look more pretty..." i felt my cheeks warming and felt sick to my stomach. My insecurities always been my biggest down fall and i just need that extra comfort. I know make up shouldn't be it but, it helps cope with myself.

"you don't need it at all. You look amazing just the way you are Tony" he said. "thanks" i blushed. "im serious though. I hate when girls wear make-up to try to cover up there flaws and shit. Like if you my girl, i don't care what you look like. I like you for you. There is no need to cover up what's already perfect" he went on. 

i understood josiah point. But for me i always had been put down and tormented because of how i look and where i came from. India was my self esteem and now that she is dead it's just hard not having that comfort from someone, but with josiah i know it will get better. Hopefully.

we pulled up to a strange building. I didn't even recognize it because i never been on this side of town. "where are we?" i asked josiah as i tried to make out where we were. "I want you to meet someone" he said as he helped me get out of the car. "who is it?" i questioned. "just follow me" he grabbed my hand and led me into the building. we walked up the stairs until we reached the tenth floor.

we walked all the way towards the end of the hall and stopped at a brown door. josiah ranged the doorbell and tightly held his hand. "relax" he said rubbing my hand. i took a deep breath and loosen up my grip. the door open and a bright skinned young woman opened the door.

she looked similar to Josiah except her eyes were hazel, Josiah eyes were dark brown. "wassup cousin" he said. "hey... what's going on?" she asked. "nothing, i want you to meet a special friend of mine. Toniyah this is my cousin Ashley. Ashley this is my lady Toniyah but you can just call her tony." he said.

"Hi tony, yall come right on in" she opened the door and we walked in. josiah led us to the living room where we took our seats. "it's been awhile since your visit" she said as she brought in 3 glasses of lemonade. "been busy. You know uncle has been keeping me productive and shit" he said sipping the lemonade. "is the restaurant still opened?" she asked as she sat down. "yeah, business is good" he answered. I didn't know why i was here but not knowing made me a little on edge.

"So what bring's yall here?" she asked. Finally some answers. "Well Tony has been through a rough past. She lost her friend about a month ago and i don't want her hanging around me all the time cause i know she going to get borde and plus she needs a female friend to understand her more. right baby?" he asked. i looked at him in confusion because he never took this up with me.

"uhhh i guess.." i said unsurely. "I figured if i brought her here to meet me you maybe you two can link up and hang out" he said. "well it does get kinda boring" she said. I wasn't good with talking to new people. I barley could try with india in the beginning but eventually we got closer and she became my best friend and only friend. 

"good. Now i gotta go do some business i'll be right back" he said and exited the apartment. I was sorta speechless because this was forceful. I never been a talker and plus i've always been the anti social type. 

i have no idea what the hell to do



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~take care

~corrections in progress

~xoxoxo Tyvia

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