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*Toniyah POV

Mrs.mayson pulled up and I got inside the car.

"How was it?" she asked

"I left" I said

"Why?.." she questioned

"Because they just force you to speak, if I'm not ready why should I speak?" I said

"To get you out your comfort zone." she tells me

Those people are so danm pushy and demanding, I don't even intend on coming back.

We were right down the street, and i could see police cars surrounding our house.

Mrs.mayson speeded downThe street with anxiety

We immediately got out the car and rushed inside

3 cops were asking mr.mayson some questions

One officer pulled away and walked to us

"What's going on officers, is Terrence in trouble?" mrs.mayson asks

"Thankfully no, he isn't, but were searching for a Toniyah?" they asked

My eyes widen

"Can I talk to you alone sweet heart?" he asked

"Sure" we walked over to the kitchen table and took a seat.

"I'm Officer Vince, I just want to ask you a few questions" he says

I nodded slowly

"India know her?"

"Yeah...thats my- I just know her" I tell her.

"Was she your friend?"

"She was until...."


"Until she started hanging with this boy name Daquan. then she forgot all about me" I told them

"Daquan who?"

"Graham" I said

He wrote something down on a piece of note book paper

"Is.....something wrong?" I questioned

"Well, tonight she was mureded. Daquan was doing an exchange with a group of Mexicans and it ended up in a bloody war. were out looking for Daquan, he's under arrest" the cop says

I couldn't process it. I couldn't at all. India is ...... Dead?

She can't be she just can't

Hours passed and I kept on thinking about her.

My Bestfriend in the whole entire universe, is dead?

I couldn't even process it. no matter how much I tried

Later on in the middle of the night i couldn't even sleep

It felt weird and uncomfortable.

The next day at school India was the talk of the school.

Some people talked negative and some positive. I personally didn't even care.

"Hey" I here a dark deep voice

I turned around And saw Josiah

"I'm sorry about your friend, i know she meant a lot to you"

"It's ok.... she and I were parting ways anyway" I told him

"And aren't you afraid of people seeing you talk to me?" I questioned

"Nah....thats not even important, I just heard the news and had to make sho you good" he says

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