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Tony POV

That evening I layed in my bed scarred with pain

I looked at my clock that read 11 o clock

I clenched on to mamas necklace and cried out loud wishing she was here to save me from this madness

I said a prayer for me and my dad.Telling god to bless me with his protection and protect me from my dad.Im starting to believe that god isnt listening but somehow I always find myself praying to him again

My phone started buzzing

I grabbed it and noticed it was India calling me

I rolled my eyes and declined it

How dare she even try to speak to me when she knew my situation at home and didn't have the heart to take me with her.i know she wanted her time with her new 'partner' but I'm her bestfriend.On top of that I kicked to the curve by my partner TeeJay who I hopes rott in hell.

She calls again but I just keep on declining

Indie: So you just gon keep on ignoring me?

Me: you ignored me when I needed you

Indie: Tony I'm sorry I feel so bad, I told deshaun about it and he even said I'm a bad friend and I shoulda took you with me.

Me:you told him about my dad?!?

Indie: no! I told him your having a family issues and he didn't ask no further.he said he didn't wanna come between our friendship so we finished up early and I had to come back home and help my mom with my siblings. I finally just sat down and started contacting you

Me: he poured hot oil on me

Indie: what?!?!? why

Me: I lied to him

Indie: OMG noooo! ugh I'm such a selfish bitch omg tony are you ok??!!!

Me: no your not, and sorta only of I don't move too much.its just first degree burns on my body

Indie: :( I'm calling CPS tomorrow , this has gon way too far.

Me: no!!! India no! I can't, look just bare with me okay!!!!!

India: no im sorry, I'm not going another day watching you get tortured like your some cornered animal.Your too pretty and too sweet for that.You can hate me all you want but tomorrow I'm calling them and this is going to end

Me: -__- India !!!!

Indie: lalala me no habla English good night baby :( XD ;*

I didn't respond, I shoulda just kept my mouth close.

I wasn't looking forward to tomorrow

I knew this wasn't going to be good

I ended up falling asleep

*at school , next morning*

It hurted to walk, I could barley move, I tried my hardest not to show pain but it was so obvious that I was burned

People stared at my skin, stared at me like I was a monster.but I'm no monster.Im just a girl who is silently crying out for help but is too scared too speak about it

"There you are!!!" I heard India voice

I sighed

She jumped up as I turned around revealing my scared red face

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