It's Not What It Looks Like

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Okay so i have decided to change it to 1 chapter left instead of five because i need this book to end very soon. Also i know i said the rest of the book will be in Tony pov but on this chapter i had to make an exception. so please enjoy

it's been a couple of days since me and Ashley has been hanging out and and i really have been having fun with this girl. I just feel like a brand new person and im thankful that she is being a good friend because i surely needed one.

"tell josiah i said hello" she said as we pulled up to his house. "i will and Ashley thank you so much for just being there and helping me." i told her. "No problem" she said. i got out the car and waved goodbye as she drove down the wet glossy road.

i walked up to josiah front door and just as i was about to knock i heard a female voice talking. i walked over to the side of the house where josiah room was and saw his blinds slightly opened. It was him and Erin talking. Her eyes were puffy and she had used tissues all over Josiah bed. I couldn't here what exactly they were saying but it looks like there having a real serious talk. 

I continued to watch the two converse until suddenly Josiah lifted Erin head up and kissed her. It was more than just a simple kiss. He was tonguing her down. It crushed me because i was really falling in love with josiah and here i am watching my foster sister make out with him. i rolled my eyes and began walking away.

It took me a good 2 hours to get back home. Maybe because i was walking slow and entered deep into my thoughts but life seems so draining when you feel just like a piece of shit. Once i got home i didn't speak to anyone. i just took a shower and laid down, silently crying.


*Josiah Pov

"Are you really in love with toniyah?" erin asked as she  broke the kiss. "Yes. Look me and you had a good thang but honestly i want toniyah more. You having that abortion Erin isn't going to make me want you. Im sorry. It's the end of us." i told her. 

"UGH FUCK YOU JOSIAH!! You know you got some nerve doing this to me. I don't even know why you just kiss me. I just destroyed another human being life for you but you know what. it's all good though. You'll be back for me and when you do ill have someone better." Erin got up and raged on as she walked to the front door.

Her getting abortion was her idea. I mean i  know back then i probably said some hurtful things to her to make her not want the baby but that's her fault for killing it. Erin has problems and i chooses not to deal with that shit. I want Toniyah and the only reason why i just kissed her was for closure. I still care about her but i gotta let her ass go.


ugh yall really don't know how hard im trying to end this book on a good note. I know, I know its short but im really having trouble trying to keep this book together. 

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~take care

~corrections in progress

~xoxoxoxoxo Tyvia

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