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*toniyah POV


On my way to school I felt so light headed and sick at the same time. I wasn't adjusting to this "adoption" quickly as I thought. I do keep in mind that none of these are my blood, but it is better then being alone and abused.

I have to go to this suicidal meeting today at the civic center. I'm not too open or talkative, so I rather just sit back and listen then talk.

I had to catch the bus this morning because India said she was getting a lift from de'quan cause her adoption mom suspended her car because she was out late with it. I'm surprised she didn't make her catch the bus as well.

I got off the bus and headed down down the street to the school

I plan on finishing all my assignments up today and sleep.

I got in and headed to my first period class.

We had a substitute and the assignment is to copy notes and study them

Easy as fuck

I quickly got to jotting down my notes and of course here comes Josiah and his fucked up crew

"dont give in tony... DONT GIVE IN!" my conchense yelled

"i see the bad bitch aint talking" one guy says

"hey toniyah how does josiah lips taste?" they said and started cackling

i could feel my cheeks warm up and my eyes water. He wasnt even supose to tell anybody. it was something we should of kept to ourselves. I dont understand it all. How can you do all that shit for me and then just act like its all a big joke. Like all of a sudden i begged for us to kiss and make out and for you to drop me home.

i glanced over to see josiah not even laughing.

he was just staring out the window like he didnt even here them talking about me.

maybe he didnt actually tell them....

of course all through out the class period his crew continued to talk shit but not one time did josiah cracked a smile or laugh. Nor did he stood up for me. NOT THAT IM EXPECTING TOO... ok maybe a little but still i have to keep in mind that this is josiah were talking about. he dont do all that emotional lovey dovey stuff. but why isnt he saying anything? why should i care ? ugh these stupid ass emotions are kicking my ass seriously.

after class i gathered my things

i felt a tight tug on my waist.

i turned to see josiah standing there waiting for my attention

"how did they-"

"i didnt say shit. my homeboy daquan was spying on us and, must of went back and told everybody about our make out session." he says

"oh" thats all i could say really

"look tonyiah you and i both know it was more than just the high right?" he asks

should i say yes or no

my heart feels some type of way but at the same time my mind is smart enough to know where this can lead to

""yeah a little"

"there is no little. did you like it or not?" he asks

"yes" i said shyly

"meet me after school by the old park by the back of the school" he says


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