Getting my life together

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Me and ashley sat in the kitchen conversing about josiah and how we became a couple. "damn i had no idea your life was that hard. I mean my dad was abusive to, but throwing you in hot grease? that's awful tony" she said. "i know till this day i still can here myself crying out for for help" i answered. "girl i can't imagine your pain. Like how could you keep all of that in ?" she asked. "i didn't keep it all in to myself. I vented to my best friend India and he would literally get so pissed off but i begged her not to tell anyone." i said.

"I would told someone. That's the number one thing you don't want to to do when someone is being abused. Ignore it because there scared. Your friend was right for trying to help you." she said back. "I know and i really miss her" i said sadly as thoughts of me and india ran through my head. "what happened to her?" she asked. i swallowed deeply and looked at her. "she was shot in the head" i said as i fought back my tears. "don't hold your tears in tony. It's okay to let it out" with those words tears glided down my cheeks. she got up, grabbed a box of tissue  and handed them to me. 

I wiped my face off and pulled myself together. "toniyah" she called. her hands was placed on my hand. i looked at her. "India is in a much safer place. I know it hurts because she was your one and only outlet but you have to accept it to find a new outlet." she said. i nodded my head.

"thanks" i told her. "Hey no problem. Josiah did the right thing bringing you to me because i know all about communicating and comforting with someone who's hurting." she said. later on that day me and ashley decided to take a walk. I was actually enjoying her company. She was truthful, encouraging, caring, and most of all Nice. i felt like i had a new best friend. Not that im forgetting india but i honestly felt better and all of my deepest moments were free and let out.

we walked inside of a boutique and by the looks of it. Everything in this store was very expensive. "what are we doing here?" i asked. "To shop girl" she said as she headed to the back. "ummm i don't have any-"

"girl don't even worry about all of that. Just look around and see what you like. If you like it, get it" she said. i went over to a rack that presented a royal blue maxi dress. The fabric was soft and silky. the dress was short and strapless. i gazed at it and couldn't help but to imagine myself in it. It wasn't too formal at all. "oooh that's cute come try it on" Ashley picked it from the rack and guided me to the dressing rooms. "here are some cute pumps that would go with it" she slid some royal blue heels under the door. 

i slid them right along on with the dress and it fitted me perfectly. "okay let me see it" ashley called. i unlocked the door and revealed the outfit. "yaaaaas girl you slaying that dress" she complimented. i blushed and turned  to the mirror and i do admit i was looking good. 

"here are some more clothes i think you would look pretty in too" she handed me a pile full of clothes. i took them and tried them all on and just like magic they fitted me perfectly. i even added some accessories. we got to the front counter and was ready to check out. "your total is $330.56" the cashier said. i reached in my clutched but ashley stopped me. "allow me" she smiled and swiped her card. 

"Ashley i can't let you pay for all of this" i said. "too late"she said as she took the receipt from the cashier. "now lets go eat" she grabbed me by the hand and we walked further down to a italian restaurant. we sat down, order our food, and began eating.

"why..why are you being so generous and nice?" i asked. she smiled "that's what friends do" she answered. "yeah but i just met you and your already buying me things. I just don't want you to feel like i owe you or something" i said honestly.

"Tony you need this okay. You dealt your whole life with mistreating and abuse. I just have a huge heart and i just wanna make you feel like you belong and your important. I know this also part of josiah job but still. You need a female touch and im more than happy to be that." she said. 

it made me feel really good inside that i had a new friend. She was really sweet and just opening. I sure hope this last long because i don't wanna hang on josiah all day long either. My life is slowly becoming together.


*erin pov [short]

the cold air kept hitting me as i sat in my seat thinking about what i am about to do. My stomach was turning into knots and i couldn't even process this. "erin mayson" the doctor called. i slowly got up and walked towards the door. i followed him down the hall, into a back room.

"are you sure you want to do this?" he asked. i nodded as a tears fell out of my eye. Although this is going to haunt me for awhile, i just can put myself into stress any longer. I need to do this.


hmmm what yall think Erin up to?

aweee Tony found a new friend. Things are looking better for her i guess you could say.

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~take care

~corrections in progress

~xoxoxoxo Tyvia

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