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My morning starts normal. I wake up, brush my teeth, wash my face and ear breakfast before going to school. Because Baji and I live in the same apartment complex, I go upstairs to him and wait for him.

Unfortunately his mom said that he just woke up which is why I should not wait for him and go. In the train I see Aomine-san. I tap her shoulder from behind. "Aomine-san..."

She turns her head in my direction and smiles friendly. "Matsuno-san... good morning." "Good morning", I respond and look her directly in the eyes when I saw her big eye patch over her one eye, "what the fuck is that?!" "Ah this...", she points at her eye patch and I nod.

"I-I fell down the stairs... nothing e-else." Why do I feel like she's lying? I can't picture it how could have she fell down the stairs. I want to know more nonetheless I also do not want to make her uncomfortable by interrogating her private life. Even if this seems very much worrisome.

The whole day Aomine-san's mood was generally down. She didn't smile or was friendly like she usually is which is very odd. "What's wrong with her, Chifuyu?", Baji asks me in the break, "and why the eye patch?"

"I don't know..." Enough is enough. I can't stand this. In the lunch break I sneak out of school to buy something for her eye in the nearest pharmacy I know.

Unfortunately for me, the pharmacy in question is still quite far from the school, so I'm late for class after shopping. Since I'm already late, I thought I'd buy her a little something to lift her mood up.

"Matsuno-san, why are you late?", my math teacher questions. "I was busy..." He continues to lectures me for about 10 minutes about how important it is to always be on time and all that crap.

Finally after these horrible 10 minutes, the teacher lets me sit. Luckily it's the last lesson for today. But unlike usual, I'm really paying attention this lesson because I don't want to be any more of a burden to Aomine-san than I already am.

Finally! Class is over!! I quickly pack my stuff in my backpack and go to Aomine-san's desk where she lifts her head up to look me in the eyes. Were her eyes ─ or in this case her eye ─ always this beautiful?


"H-Hey Aomine-san..." "Hey." And why am I stuttering? Get a grip, Matsuno Chifuyu! Be a man! I clear my throat and continue speaking, "I bought you somethin' for your eye... you know since..." I akwardly point to her eye patch. "And a little present cuz today you weren't in the best mood and I got worried to be honest."

I give the girl in front of me with the white eye patch the ointment and a small chocolate cake I got from the bakery across the school. In the end, I was late for the cake because I didn't know what Aomine-san liked.

"Matsuno-san... y-you didn't have to buy me this. How much did this cost so I can it back?", she queries and immediately gets her purse. I shake my head. "I don't want anything back. It was my own decision to buy you these."

I sit down next to her. "If you've got any problems, you can talk to us... You don't have to say it right away, of course, but just that you know. We always have an open ear for you."

The only people that are in the classroom beside the two of us is Baji who silently listens to everything. Aomine-san accepts the cake and the oinment I bought for her and takes a bite out of the chocolate. Now hopefully she sm─

"Chifuyu!!" "What?", I snap at him angrily. With his finger my best friend points at Aomine-san. I then look to her which is when I realize the reason why Baji shouted my name out. "What did ya do to Aomine?!"

He stands up and beats me with all his might. "I did nothing, Baji! I promise!" Why's she crying? Does the cake taste bad? Doesn't she like chocolate? I knew I should have bought a strawberry cake instead of a chocolate one. Dumb me.

"I envy you both..."


永遠の光 , 𝑬𝒊𝒆𝒏 𝑵𝒐 𝑯𝒊𝒌𝒂𝒓𝒊 | CHIFUYU MATSUNO X FEM! READERWhere stories live. Discover now