Stronger Together!

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~{Chapter 4}~

*Nia's POV*
I lay awake in bed in silence staring at the ceiling because I didn't want to go back to sleep. If I do... I'll have that same dream again! I'm just scared of what I saw in my dreamof Brainy's evil ancestor planning on adducting me to turn me into a nightmare! And if he does... This will destroy Brainy! Causing him to tap into his Rage and darkness. I can't let that happen to him. And he's was in the bathroom right now. So, How am I suppose to tell him?! But Should I? I'm just afraid of how he'll react. We literally just got engaged💍!! So I have to tell him! I sighed sadly not sure if I should or not.

the bathroom door opened, as brainy came out and walked back into the bedroom to see Nia was up as she had an sad, scared look on her face. He looked concerned and worried for her. "Nia, What are you doing up? Did I wake you? And are you okay?!" Brainy asked worriedly.
Nia sighed. "No, brainy you didn't wake me. I just woke up. And I'm fine." Nia said softly with a nervous look. Brainy saw the look in Nia's eyes. knowing that something is wrong. As he got up on the bed and sat beside her and said. "Nia. I can tell something is bothering you? You can tell me anything. You know that." Brainy said softly with an slight smile in comforting her dearly. As Nia looked into his eyes, wanting to tell him. But couldn't find the words.

Brainy knew the only reason why Nia was up and not talking to him was that she dreamt✨of something that caused her such distress. "Nia, Was it a bad dream?" He asked softly with a worried look in his eyes. She looked at Brainy and Nia should have known he would figure out that she had a bad dream. She was about to marry a 12th-Level-Intellect after all😅. She nodded in him being right. Brainy sighed as he knew his calculations were correct. "Nia. Just tell me what you saw in your dream. He touches her hand "And I'll help you through it. We'll figure it out together." Brainy said genuinely in a soft tone. As Nia could feel Brainy's hand on hers. Feeling his touch as it felt like electricity⚡️touching her... Feeling warmth and calm. That exact feeling Nia gets when she's with Brainy as she squeezes his hand gently. He could feel her hand wrapped in his hearing her say. "Brainy, I saw something in my dream. Something terrible... And I'm scared." Nia said in tears. Brainy looked more concerned for her as he hated to see her like this. All he wanted to do was to hug her and comfort her to see his Nia Nal smile again.

Brainy noticed some tears💦flowing down her cheek like a river as He placed his other hand on Nia's cheek trying to wipe her tears away.
"Nia. It's ok. I'm here. I'll listen, and I won't let you go through this alone." Brainy said lovely, trying to cheer her up and wanted to help her.
Nia smiled at Brainy when she heard him say that. He smiled too and was so happy to her smiling again! Those words Brainy said to her really touched her heart💙as it was beating so fast! And Nia was about to say as she was ready to tell him what was in her dream, and why she was so scared to tell him. Brainy held her hand so she'd be comfortable as he said. "Nia, it's ok. Tell me in your own words." Brainy said genuinely. Nia smiled at Brainy for him being so understanding. "Alright, brainy. There's something you should know... It's about your Ancestor. I had a vision of Why he's really here." Nia said. Brainy nodded. "Well, what other reason could it be? than trying to get revenge on me by hurting you." Brainy questioned softly. Nia sighed sadly again. "that's just it. He knew I would protect you, and me getting hurt... That was part of his plan. And in my dream, I saw him on his ship Planning this next phase of getting revenge on You... By getting to me. to turn me into a nightmare." She said sadly with fear in her eyes.

He gasped. Nia continued on. "He's coming for ME!!! Nia shouted out scared. Brainy is in shock as he calms down and understands why Nia is so scared of what she saw in her dream✨. "Don't worry, Nia. I won't let him take you away from me. I promise you that. And I won't let my rage get the best of me. You helped me see that. Besides All you saw was a vision. It doesn't mean for certain that it will happen. It's not set in stone just yet. If it does, I'll protect you. And together We will stop my Ancestor! with the help of our friends. I refuse to let him take you away. I will Fight for you! Nia Nal." Brainy said genuinely softly, wanting to protect Nia.

Brainia🌀💙🤖💚: Dreaming of my future with You✨❤️❤️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang