Planning My Dream✨Wedding❤️

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~{Chapter 12}~ This Chapter is about when Brainy and Nia plan their wedding and separately write their vows with the help our their friends on what to say. I hope you like it. Enjoy!*

*Nia's POV*
I woke up today feeling amazing, I got my powers back! Brainy was right I do feel better. And I know exactly what I wanna do today. That's to plan our wedding...

Nia got out of bed and got dressed for the day while brushing her hair. She smiled happily. Then, made her way to the door and placed her hand on the doorknob opening it slowly to see Brainy. Her soon-to-be Husband. Nia saw Brainy putting Breakfast🥞☕️☕️on the table as he noticed her coming out of the bedroom Awake, smiling, and feeling a lot better today than she was yesterday. Just as brainy calculated Nia would feel 100% better today. He smiled lovely. "Morning Nia. You're looking better today," Brainy said genuinely. Nia smiled with delight.
"I'm feeling a lot better today. Brainy," Nia said with optimism. Brainy sighed with a smile. he's so glad to hear that. "I'm glad. and I told you, Nia. You would feel better." Brainy said happily. "I know. I never doubted you," Nia said softly. Now that she's feeling better today, there was one thing Nia wanted to do... And that was to kiss Brainy! to thank him for everything that he did for her the other day taking care of her, helping her through her dream fever, And just being by her side. she watched Brainy in the kitchen, and couldn't wait anymore. she walked up to him by the kitchen counter. Brainy looked at Nia concerned.

"Nia, is Everything alright?" Brainy questioned. Nia leaned and kissed him. Pressing her lips against his while feeling his warmth and smile against her. When Nia kissed Brainy by surprise, He was surprised at first but he enjoyed it! he kissed her back, Feeling her warmth, wrapped his arms around her, and Held her close to him. Nia broke the kiss. Brainy looked at Nia with confusion as to why she kissed him. Not that he didn't enjoy it... he loved it! "W-What was that For?" Brainy asked with a stutter. "To thank you, for everything you did for me the other day. Brainy," Nia said genuinely with a smile. Brainy smiled back at her. "You're welcome, you know I would do anything for you. Nia Nal." Brainy said genuinely. they sat down at the table together having breakfast🥞☕️☕️. "Brainy, I was thinking that today... We should start planning our Wedding." Nia said, Lovely. Brainy nodded. "I was just thinking the same thing. Nia," Brainy said agreeably.
She smiled.

Nia and Brainy talked about their plans for the wedding. Such as the Date, Time, and the Theme for the wedding!
*The Date: will be in 2 weeks from now.*
*Time~ (5 pm)*
*The Flower Arrangements: Roses🌹and Lotus Flowers🪷.
*Theme= Dreams🌀and lanterns☪️.

~{Chapter 13}~
*Nia's and Brainy's Vows❤️*
*A week later*
*At Night*
Brainy and Nia set the date for their wedding. which is next week! they booked a caterer, sent out invitations, and both asked John to marry them. Of course, He said "Yes".

*Nia's POV*
Tonight I and Brainy am gonna start working on our vows since our wedding is next week. I can't believe it almost feels like a dream to me... anyway, He went over to John's to help him write his vows Alex and Lena are gonna help him out as well. Kara and Kelly are coming over to my place to help me out with my vows too.

Nia thinking of what to type on her laptop💻for her vows as she is on the couch waiting for Kara and Kelly to help her. nothing comes to mind... Wow, I didn't think that It would be this hard. Nia thought. *Knock Knock* Nia heard a knock at the door🚪. And knew exactly who it was. She got up while putting her laptop to the side, walked up to the door, and opened it to see Kara and Kelly in her doorway with snacks and drinks in their hands. "Hey. Nia," Kara said excitedly with a bright smile. "Nia. Hi!" Kelly said happily with optimism.
"Kara! Kelly! You're here. Come on in," Nia said with excitement inviting her two friends inside with a smile. they both walked into her apartment Nia closed the door once Kara and Kelly were in. Kara started pouring red wine into 3 glasses🍷🍷🍷as she sat by Nia and Kelly on the couch while handing them their drinks and said. "How's it coming along with your vows?" Kara asked softly. Nia grabbed her laptop looked at her screen with a nervous look, and showed Kara and Kelly her vows so far they were both surprised to see that she barely got started her vows. "That's all you have done so far? Nia." Kelly asked. Nia sighed sadly. "Yeah, pretty much. I haven't found the right words to say yet." Nia said softly while twirling her hair nervously. Just as Brainy would do with his legion ring whenever he's nervous😅.

Brainia🌀💙🤖💚: Dreaming of my future with You✨❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now