Find my way Back to You✨

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~{Chapter 7}~*This chapter is about when Nia was abducted by Brainiac-1 aka Brainy's evil ancestor to turn her into a "Nightmare" as she hopes to get back to Brainy and her friends before that happens! I hope you like it, Enjoy!*

Right above the Earth🌎's atmosphere is Brainiac-1's Coluan ship, which is cloaked from the Superfriends finding him to rescue Dreamer🌀as she is held captive in a secure cell bedroom. And was passed out on the floor for 2 hours after being tortured for days he gave Nia today to rest and gather her strength to try again in turning her into the worst, bad, and dark parts of herself...

*Nia's POV*
I woke up in my cell room, again after another day of being tortured to turn me into NIGHTMARE. my evil version of myself. I wish this was all a dream✨. But today felt different. In my heart💙, I know that Brainy and my friends are going to find me. and bring me home. Because all I want is to be with Brainy again! To plan our wedding, and our honeymoon. Instead, I'm on Brainy's evil ancestor's ship. Trapped in this dark cell room being tortured every day. I sighed and just looked up at the ceiling for a way out... but sadly there isn't.
"Oh, Brainy. I miss you so much. I would Astral project myself to you. if I had the strength to see you. And just to hear your voice." I said to myself thinking💭about him to just keep my spirits up to not give in to becoming my dark side...

*Meanwhile, on earth🌎in National City🌃with Brainy*
*1:30 a.m.*
Brainy is in the apartment, calculating 1001 simulations in his brain to come up with a plan on how to get Nia back! he is writing on a big whiteboard on wheels when he finds the perfect plan to get her back. Then heard the door open as Alex, Kelly, Kara, John, and Lena stood in the doorway and walked inside with their pajamas on while yawning and feeling tired. all wondering why Brainy would want them to come to his place at one in the morning he turned around to see they all must've gotten his urgent text about how to get Nia back.
"Brainy, what gives? why did you text all of us at this early in the morning to come over?" Kara asked softly with a small yawn.
Alex is not a morning person😅as she was frustrated that her sleep was cut short. "Brainy, do you have any idea what time it is?! What is all of this... Alex shouted out angrily😡as she pointed out Brainy's whiteboard with mathematical problems to save Nia.

"All Excellent questions, Kara and Alex. I'm glad you two asked!" Brainy said with enthusiasm and positivity filling the room.
But Alex wasn't feeling it😅. "The reason why I texted all of you here to be at my place is because I calculated 1001 simulations in my brain, and I have found the perfect plan to get Nia back!" Brainy said with excitement. everyone blinked as they were in shock. Seeing all the work and time that Brainy had put into it. Also that he stayed up all night working on this when Nia was taken. "That's what you texted us all?!!And this couldn't wait till I got to the DEO." Alex questioned out loud. "I've been up all night calculating the numbers. So I came to the conclusion... that we need to scan for dream energy signatures and my ancestor's facial recognition and DNA." Brainy answered.
all sighed that this wasn't the answer to getting her back and he didn't have to do this in one night. This is one of the reasons why they were so worried about Brainy. Because this was obviously a cry for help! Seeing him go crazy over losing the love❤️of his life meant that he needed their love and support😔. Brainy, I don't think that's the right solution to finding Nia," Jonn disagreed with Brainy's calculations.

Brainy began fiddling with his legion ring and thought that John was right as he started erasing all of his calculations on the whiteboard to figure out a new plan. Lena had a feeling that he was pushing himself towards work, avoiding the fact that he lost Nia tonight. "John's right, Brainy. You didn't need to stay up all night working on this. We can work on this together. El Mayarah." Lena said with encouragement.
Kelly noticed Brainy was feeling stressed out and saw that he was about to burst into tears💦as she said to him to just let out those emotions. "Brainy, I know you miss Nia. We all miss do. You're not the only one suffering... Lena is right we will figure this out together. And we will get her back." Kelly said softly while comforting Brainy. He sniffles and begins to burst into tears💦while wiping them away.
"Thank you Kelly for your kind comforting words. Sorry for texting you all here for nothing. I think part of me just needed to hear that and to talk to my friends. And I-I... just feel so lost and alone without Nia. I just proposed to her... it feels like my heart💚is breaking inside. she's still out there. I need to find her to save my Nia Nal, And bring her home." Brainy said sadly. they all looked at him, Saw his tears, his pain, his fear, and knew Brainy was going through a hard time from losing Nia. But had no idea that this was how he truly felt...
all gathered around Brainy giving him a hug to show he's not in this alone. Nia is a part of this family and they'll come up with a plan to get her back Together! They all broke the hug and smiled while waving "good night" to Brainy and walked out the door🚪to get some rest if they were ever gonna find Nia. When they left, Brainy calmed down and walked around the apartment and saw pictures of him and Nia as he sat on the couch thinking about her💭💙. Then, immediately remembered what Nia said after he proposed when she said "YES".

Brainia🌀💙🤖💚: Dreaming of my future with You✨❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now