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~{Chapter 11}~*This a short chapter the idea that I came up with is If Nia got sick from overusing her dream powers and Brainy takes care of her. I hope you like it, Enjoy!*

*Nia's POV*
I woke up today, feeling drained out as It felt like a hangover. but I didn't drink last night😅so that can't be it!
Maybe I'm sick or something? I questioned myself as to what was going on with me...

Nia got out of bed feeling light-headed and had a bad headache she placed her hand on the doorknob while opening the door to see Brainy making breakfast in the kitchen as he saw her coming out of the bedroom. he smiled at the sight of her and said. "Morning. Nia," Brainy said lovely💕. But she just heard a ringing in her ears when Brainy said that to her. like an echo in her ears over and over again. Nia groans as she places her hand on her forehead in pain and says. "Can you please not talk so loud?" Nia said weakly. Brainy looked at Nia concerned.
"Nia, Are you alright?" Brainy asked worriedly. She nodded and said. "Yeah, I'm fine. Brainy. I'm just sick. I-I.." Nia paused feeling sick to her stomach as She covered her mouth, Feeling like she was about to throw up. Nia quickly ran near the kitchen counter and threw up in the sink.

Nia saw her own vomit in the kitchen sink as it looked like dream🌀energy✨. And it was! "Why is my vomit Blue? And it's glowing?
Wow, I must be really sick😅". Nia thought to herself. Brainy sighed. He knew exactly what was wrong with Nia...definitely not a cold or
the flu! It was something else. Something Naltorian🌀... believe it or not! "Nia, you wouldn't happen to be having headaches, feeling light-headed, and ringing in your ears?" Brainy questioned softly. "Well. Yeah," Nia replied softly with a confused look. Brainy placed his hand on her forehead and immediately knew what was happening to her. "Nia, I don't think this a cold or the flu. You have Dream Fever." Brainy said. "Dream Fever?!" Nia questioned out loud. "Yes, "dream fever" It's what Naltorians get for overusing their dream powers. Which is what you did last night! It's like how Kara blows her powers out sometimes." Brainy explained. Nia nodded in understanding.

"How long does this last?" Nia asked weakly. "Just a day, You'll feel better tomorrow. But today you should rest." Brainy answered dearly.
Nia nodded as Brainy escorted her back into the bedroom while helping her into bed and covering her up with the bedsheets. Then, he sat on the bed beside her making sure she was ok. Nia smiled at him when Brainy did that for her. "You comfortable?" Brainy asked softly.
"Yes, thank you. Brainy." Nia said softly with a smile. Brainy smiled back at her. Nia remembered that she had work and had to call Kara to tell her that she was Sick... she put her hand on her forehead and said. "Oh, Brainy. I totally forgot that I have work today. I gotta call Kara! And tell her that I can't make it". Nia said weakly as she tried to get up. But Brainy stopped her from getting up and said. "Nia, no. Stay in Bed, and rest. I'll call Kara And tell her you're not feeling well today to come into work." Brainy said genuinely, as he held Nia's hand.
"Brainy. You don't have to do that," Nia said softly. "Nia. Please I insist, it's the least I can do." Brainy said gazing into her eyes. Nia smiled.

"Alright, yeah. Call Kara. I'll go back to sleep and rest." Nia said as she closed her eyes and fell asleep in her dreams✨. Brainy watched her fall asleep, he smiled at her lovely💗. Then walked out of the room closing the door shut quietly. So Nia can sleep peacefully. When she closed her eyes, she fell into a deep slumber as her eyes glowed blue🌀and got up out of bed with her eyes still closed walking around the bedroom. It's like, she was sleepwalking. but different. Brainy got his phone📱out of his pocket, he called Kara to tell her that Nia is Sick and won't be coming into work today.

*Meanwhile with Kara at CatCo*
Cat Grant is asking Kara where Nia is... She tells Miss Grant that she'll call Nia to find out where she is and notices Brainy calling her.
Kara answers it and says.

[Kara on the📲with Brainy]
"Perfect timing! Brainy. Perfect timing! I was just about to call Nia. So, Where is she?" Kara said with excitement and optimism.
Brainy sighed as he looked at the door bedroom where Nia was resting right now.
[Brainy on the📲with Kara]
"Actually, Kara. That's what I wanted to tell you." Brainy said nervously.
"Why? Is everything alright?" Kara questioned concerned.
"No. Nia is sick and shevthas "dream fever" it's like when you solar flare. But different. Don't worry it only lasts a day.
So I'm here looking after her." Brainy explained softly. Kara sighs with relief and totally understands.
Well it's a good thing that Cat Grant knows that Nia is dreamer🌀😉.
"Alright, I understand Brainy. Take good care of her. I'll talk to Miss Grant." Kara replied softly.
Brainy nodded as he heard Nia walking around in the bedroom.
Sprock, I forgot about about Dream Walking! He thought.
"Listen Kara, I gotta go!" Brainy said quickly.
[Brainy ended the call]
As Kara went into Cat Grant's office to tell her that Nia won't be coming in today cause she was Sick.

When Brainy ended the call, he quickly went to open the bedroom door to see if Nia was okay. Then saw her eyes glowing blue with them closed shut as she was walking around the room quietly. brainy noticed Nia dream walking and quickly reacted to it as he ran up to her and put his hands on her shoulders, shaking her gently awake, and said. "Nia, Wake up!! Please." Brainy shouted hoping that she would wake up by hearing his voice, and would snap her out of the dream walking trace she was in. As it turns out, it worked! But Not all the way😅...
Nia opened her eyes, as they stopped glowing. But for some, she started laughing and saying. "Brainy, you're funny. And You're S-So Smart!" Nia said playfully as she touched brainy on his chest. Brainy laughed nervously as he said. "Alright, Nia. Let's get you back in bed." Brainy said as he helped her into bed. Nia was acting silly like a drunk girl. Then he grabbed a Tonic out of his pocket that would help Nia not feel so loopy. "Nia. Here, Drink this. It'll help you." Brainy said anxiously. I hope that the tonic will work! it did work on Nura Nal.

Nia grabbed the tonic from Brainy's hand and drank it. Her mind jolted like fireworks🎆in her brain Bringing her back to reality!
Brainy smiled as he had a feeling it would work. Nia jumped as she placed her hand on her forehead and said. "Woah, Brainy. What was that?" Nia Asked with relief. "That, Nia Nal. was a special tonic for Naltorians to help with the side effects of dream walking." Brainy explained. Nia nodded to understanding. "I'm guessing it's from the future. Right?" Nia asked. Brainy nodded. "Yes, it is. I thought that you might need it If you ever got Dream Fever. As a matter of fact, your descendant Nura Nal worked on her as well." Brainy explained excitedly. Usually when Brainy talks to Nia about her descendent (nura nal). He gets all nervous and tries to change the subject. But this time he didn't. "Brainy, You just talked to me about Nura Nal without getting nervous? you rarely talk about Her. Why now?" Nia asked out of curiosity. Brainy smiled with a small chuckle. "Well, that's cause I'm not nervous talking about her around you anymore. And it was only a matter of time, that you know about Her eventually." he answered softly. So, Brainy finally told Nia about all of his adventures in the future with her descendant Nura Nal a.k.a. Dream Girl. Nia smiled getting to finally hear about her descendant in the future from Brainy.

all of a sudden, Nia felt like she was about to Vomit up Blue again. Brainy sensed that she was about to vomit blue again, and quickly got her a vomit-blue-poof bucket🪣with his super speed to throw up in. he handed her it, As her skin glowed blue all through her body and in her veins, Then threw up in it. Nia sighed with Relief as she stopped glowing after that and cleared her throat. "Thanks, brainy." Nia said softly.
"Of course, Nia. Anything for you." Brainy said lovely. "You know, I really hate you having to see me like this. All sick, weak, and no powers." She said sadly. Brainy sighed with a smile. "Nia, that doesn't matter to me, Sick or no powers. I love you for who you are And all that matters is helping you get better. besides, You gonna be my Wife someday." Brainy said genuinely. Brainy's heart-felt words lifted her spirits up. Nia smiled again at him as she wanted to kiss him. But she was sick. Even though it wasn't contagious. And it's just her species' illness from overusing her powers. So she'll kiss him when she was all better again! Meaning tomorrow...

So, for the whole day, Brainy spent the day taking care of Nia. And he loved every second of it!
And Nia loved it too that Brainy took care of her.

*At Night*
Brainy saw Nia asleep peacefully he smiled lovely as he got into bed lay beside her And went into Sleep mode.
~{To be continued}*I hope enjoyed this short chapter! Until, next time...😅*

Brainia🌀💙🤖💚: Dreaming of my future with You✨❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now