A Day At The Mall

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My legs were sore when I woke up. But it was worth it. I turned over and saw Harry sleeping peacefully anext to me with his hands wrapped around my waist. I know when he gets up he's going to be hungry, we skipped dinner last night and I'm starving!

I went to his walk in closet and took put of his shirts on. I left the room being sure to stay quiet and not wake him up.

I ran down stair and bumped into Niall. "Oh sorry" I said. "Whatever, just watch where you're going next time!" Did he just snap at me? Its early though and he might not be a morning person. "Excuse me? Watch it! I'm in a very good mood, don't ruin my day!" I threatened. "oh IM sorry!! But everyone in this house got some last night! I could hear your moaning and screams from down the hall. I had no sleep last night!" I gave him an O face. "oh, sorry about that. Want something to eat, im cooking breakfast." "sure. Sorry love its just im cranky when I get my beauty sleep and you guys basically went at it all night, or atleast until you fell asleep.

"oh, uhm sorry about that." "yeah whatever, are we still going to the mall today?" Damn. He's was acting like a real bitch but I did need clothes so I guess I could go...

I was a princess for a day. Everything I picked up to look at he bought me, these dudes had some serious cash. "Niall you don't have to buy it!" I told him trying to tell him I didn't want to be a brat. "oh, yes I do babe. I want you to look amazing. And plus this diamond necklace will bring out your brilliant emerald eyes." he said kissing my forehead, don't blush don't blush! I said to myself but losing. On the back of the necklace he engraved "Niall:the great". He's too much, I just laughed. I can tell he's going to be my best friend.

The ride back ended too fast. I really didn't want this day to end. We spent the time joking around. "okay, so YOU need a nick name ASAP." we were both on a sugar high and hysterically laughing from all the candy we were eating. If theirs anything in the world I love its sugar, if anyone seen us right now they'd think we were drunk. "NO. That's soooo embarrassing!!!" I practically yelled then started laughing again. "This the point gummy head! Oh oh how about Izzybear?" Then it got serious. "hell no!!! Sounds too much like Grizzly bear." I stopped laughing and states ar him. Then he started the laughing and I couldn't fight it any longer. "ay, I'll keep it under one condition!" I said lifting the pointer finger up like I was hushing someone. " And what is that? Im DYING to know!" The he started squealing like a little kid, we are soo immature but that was cute. "if you give be more candy!!!" "you ready for round two already?" He asked sarcastically... "I was born ready baby!" I say my eyes lighting up causing him to start coughing from laughing so hard.

Then we were in front of the house. I couldn't even eat dinner. Harry yelled at Niall for feeding me too much and me not being able to have my nutrients. I gladly stepped on to share the blame with with my best friend, I wasn't going to let him take the blame like that. I put all my clothes in Harrys walk in closet and hung out with Liam just to get to know him better. Then it started getting late, zayn walked to me and said "since you've been hanging out with niall all day do I guess you sleep with him" okay. Its kind of weird sleeping with your best friend but oh well.

Late that night I went into his room and start stripping. Then, I laid down on his bed and pretended like I was sleeping. When he got out the shower I could hear the water stop, then I got anxious. he came with out a towel on drying his hair. I opened my eyes and we exchanged stairs. I felt like we were staring for hours then I blinked, fuck. Of course I was the one to make the first akward move. Then I said "soo.. We going to do this or not?" Then the most unexpected happened that I didn't really want him to say. "Look Izzybear your my BEST friend. So your not some girl that I would do on a one night stand. I love you and respect you. Though you are breath takenly beautiful and its killing me to say this, its the hardest thing I ever had to do but No. Atleast not now. Under these circumstances." Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I hate irony. That was sooo sweet but what he did just now was crazy. I really wanted him, that's al I have been thinking about all day. But I guess he is not up for that "best friends with benefits" thing. I totally understand. I slid under the cover and laid behind him since we were still both naked. I wrapped my arms around him in an akward way but I felt comfortable. "Goodnight Niall the great." I knew it was corny but I could feel he was smiling. So I smiled back, and sleep took over.

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