having the baby

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*** Sorry for not updating lately and I am going to speed up having the baby.****

                  So the next day I went to go buy baby clothes with both Louis and Zayn. It was kind of awkward for them both but I told each of them to just chill since we woke up late and the rest of the guys decided to go out for breakfast without us. I cant do this much longer, its so hard keeping the truth from Louis because he is so honest with me all the time. One day it will slip out and it will be at the wrong time. Should I tell him now? No, no I shouldn't. He would totally flip out on Zayn and they'd get into a fight which really wasn't happening lately, Zayn has been acting like a gentle men and less of a jerk since he had become a father. It is very nice to see this, he's cleaning up his act and starting fresh. I couldn't help from smiling in the store and Louis must've thought I was thinking about him instead because he kissed me on the cheek and gave me a grin and a wink. Why am I doing this to such a good man in the first place? I feel so guilty right now, I just gave a small shy smile and put my head down wanting to smash it against something.

                               I got a lot of baby stuff and the car seat.  We could barely carry all the stuff in when we got back  but I decided I am going to paint the room baby blue and I don't have to pick a side on that because its both Louis and Zayn's most favorite color. Finally something we can all agree on. There was not an extra room in the flat so Harry and Niall have decided to go house shopping so there is a big enough space for us all to fit in. Zayn and Harry went to go upstairs and put the clothes and accessories away and told me I couldn't help which I totally can but whatever. So I just sat down on the couch all alone watching Criminal Minds. I'm the only one in this house without some type of accent because technically though I lived here as far as I can remember I was born in the U.S. So my parents never had a type of accent only my grandma which I never picked up. When I was younger I used to pretend I had an accent and everyone in my school had believed it. But when I was older I had learned to just accept me for who I am and I stopped doing the British  accent which surprised everyone but I really didn't care.

                                  I was deep into the show when Garcia was getting shot I gasp and all of a sudden the door opens up and Liam comes into the room. I turn around and scream and it caused Zayn and Louis to come rushing down the stairs, I then had to explain to all three of them what happened and they all understood. So the boys left and the only one that stayed was Liam. He sat a next to me on the couch and rested his head on my stomach while rubbing it. I started to laugh because he always knew how to make me smile no matter what the situation was. I was 6 months pregnant but still getting around fine. I guess its because I am so young. If my mom knew I was pregnant show probably freak out and take me- wait, she's the bitch that left me here to get raped in the first place. She doesn't care about me and never has. She probably doesn't want anything to do with me and I honesty don't care! I stopped thinking about my mom and went back to the boy so interested in my fat stomach. I want his name to be Darelle, I am the one carrying him for 9 months and they aren't so I get to choose what I want. At the end of the day I get the final say and I'm saying it now. His name Will be Darelle Malik. But the fact that I have to lie about his last name I cant stand. Though it does fit more than Tomlinson. I rubbed Liam's head then leaned down and burped in his ear. He laughed but didn't get up so I gave up trying. He then sat up and looked me dead in the eye which I haven't done to anyone lately besides Zayn because I've been hiding so much from them. Looking him in the eye reminded of me of how fucked up I am to then, we just stared for a while as if we were reading each others minds. I couldn't stand it anymore and I began to cry. "I miss you so much lately." He just said nothing enjoying the hug we were sharing. Then he asked me what was going on lately.  I had to come clean, I cant do this anymore.

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