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Louis POV

When I walked into my room I seen blood on the sheets and Isabella gone. My heart raced, rid was all my fault. Atleast I know where they where they are, and the fact that threw it all Harry still unconditionally cared for her and took her to the hospital. I smiles to myself just thinking about it, he was a true mate.

I rushed to the er to find Harry talking to some blonde nurse, probably flirting. This is the thing I wanted to protect Izzy from, the heartbreak. I would never do such a thing like that to her. They let me in the room and she was asleep.

Then the nurse walked in, to my surprise it was Courtney. She had an affair a while back with Harry, the only reason I knew was because we were best mates and we told each other almost everything, until Isabella came. I don't regret having her, that's an honest fact.

"Well, she's not in serious pain, as if now. Though her virginal wall was turn its not so bad, it may take done time to heal so take it easy there buddy." She winked, I ignored it. I can't believe I did this. "Though there are no evidence yet, my own theory is I think she's pregnant. So, no alcohol, drugs, fatty foods.. The usual." Once she said the word pregnant I went into complete shut down. I'm finally having a son! Or daughter, I don't care! I'm so happy, I'm gonna be a dad! Wait, fuck! I'm going to be a dad! This means I'm getting old, during these nine months I'm going to enjoy my freedom.

"So just come back in bout six weeks just so I can be sure." She snapped me out of my trance. "uhm, yea sure." I put clothes on her and signed the medical release papers . That night she continued to sleep and I just played with get hair and watched her.

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