The Babies...

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"Okay, how about John?" I asked Zayn. We were picking out baby names. Though I will be doing this again with Louis his opinion doesn't matter to me as much. "No. He needs a name like mine. Something not so common but not to crazy. How about Layn?" I just rolled me eyes. "Yeah, nice try buddy. But "Layn" needs an original name." "That is original! Its the third sexiest name there is!" it was funny when he tried to argue his point. "Oh really. Guess I'm naming my babies the fourth and fifth." "Ah! But you don't have to when you can have the second and third! " what is he taking about.?." And what names are those?" "Layn and Bella." Awh that was cute but no. I frowned and I can see he was hurt by it. I know alot if people who name their kids after them, but when you do that they don't feel like their own person, like you have to live to their expectations because they're a spitting imagine. I don't want that. "cute! But still no.." "okay. How about Luke." I liked it! "sure but if its two girls one will be named Kourey. I really liked that name. Plus I like the name Matthew." "Babe I think those we e two great names... I love them ill think of more and come tell you later." Then he got up and left.

Later that day me and Louis came up with baby names. "I like john." What a shock, me and Louis would've agreed on the name john. What was akward was lying to him telling him I didn't like the name. "Well that's a nice name, but don't you want something more original? Like a cute name but out of the ordinary like Wyatt or something?" My eye were darting everywhere trying to avoid his. "Ok. But I was reading your diary. Its so sweet and cute. It made me sad to see you thought I was a creep but it said you wanted your childs name John." "YOU READ MY FUCKING DIARY?" He jumped back I scared him good served him right for reading my personal things but he was sincere in a way. "okay, but thoughts change and people change. And I'm changing." This is so hard, thanks Zayn!! "Uhm, ok. I feel like your hiding something from me. But baby you can tell me anything. I love you and I promise I won't freak out, and even if I do I want you to know I don't mean it." I wanted to cry, why does this kind if stuff happen to me I don't ever do anything! "Baby you know I'm pregnant, anything that happens it because of it. Mood swings, me being bipolar, acting out, being overly sexual. Please be patient with me, don't make me regret or feel bad." He just smiled. Atleast I got THAT off my back!!

****follow Noforbullies_icare4u because no matter what you go through. Theres always somebody who cares *******

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