You What!?!

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Zyans POV

As Niall talked I felt my face heat up. "So uhm. Yeah, my Izzybear is Going out with Louis. I know it sounds weird but its what she wants. She was too scared to tell you and..." he sounded nervous. Me and Harry exchanged glares and our hands were balled into fists.

I walked out the room ignoring Nialls cries. I was pissed! Shes MINE! I'm the only reason she's here, I picked her out and she goes for that punk. We never even had sex before, but we will now. RIGHT now. I stormed to my room grabbing a condom. I burst through Louis room door, he had left I little earlier to do something probably to get away from me because he knew id kill him. What a punk. Luckily her beautiful figure was there, she was sitting on the bed crossed crossed playing candy crush saga on her ipad. I couldn't help but smile. I locked the door after me and she jumped, she was scared, GOOD! I took the ipad and put it on the dresser. "We ate gonna have some fun bitch!" She look scared as fuck, wouldn't blame her because I look scary even I'm mad. I yelled her to strip and she started. She started crying on the bed folding her legs rocking herself, all naked. She looked so beautiful and fragile. I finished stripping and picked her up. She wrapped her legs around me gripping on to me tight. I ,an tell she was terrified.

I kissed her roughly, it took both our breathes away and we were panting heavily. Then I threw her on the bed and did what I was planning to do all night to her. I let out all my anger, each thrust representing everything going through my mind. I stopped and seen her hysterically crying. "Calm down bitch, I'm done!" I said rolling my eyes.

I got dressed, Oh fuck I didn't use a condom. "Listen babe, say anything to anyone and I will MURDER you. You will act civilized around me, you here me?" She just nodded. I blew her an air kiss and a wink then left.

On my way down stairs I seen Harry, he looked worried. Why would he be, she turned on him too. "have you seen her?" He was tended. "take a lucky guess shithead." I don't know what got over me, I'm acting like a real bitch.

Harrys POV

I stopped myself from having the urge to bake his arm. I had ONE GOAL, and that was to win over isabella. Bros don't share hoes.

When I got up there to louis room there was blood all on the sheets and she was passed out. I picked her up, put some clothes on her and rushed her to the er. I went to my favorite doctor Courtney Ryes we had an affair once but it was just a phase and its not even akward between us now. She took in isabella.

After what felt like forever I woke up to my phone ringing, I was getting an incoming text:


girlfriend stealer:( - where the f***k are you !?! And where's my girl at? I swear when I find you I'm going to punch you!

Me - oh I'm so scared ahhhh!!! Anyway she's safe were.. Somewhere, well be home soon. Hopefully;)

Girlfriend stealer :( - fuck you in your asshole harry! You better not hurt her I'm any way!

Me - am I the one you should be worried about? Were in the er. Looks like a sign! Natural disasters happen when people get mixed up with you

Girlfriend stealer :(- I know your haven't fucked a bitch in a while have you?

Me- nope, not since yours...

Girlfriend stealer :(- wait did you say er!?!

Me- yeah dick! Where have you been!?!

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