Chapter 32

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"To be a star you must shine your own light, follow your own path and don't worry about the darkness, for that is when the stars shine the brightest."

Riley's POV

They did it.

They beat the Anaheim Ducks.

Now there's just one more round left; the Stanley Cup Finals.

This is what we've all be waiting for

Lord Stanley itself

"Hell of a game, eh?"

I know that voice all to well

I turn to see none other than Jonathan Toews himself.

We were currently at some random bar in Anaheim, celebrating the team's win, and them advancing to the Finals.

"I got hand it to you guys, you all played very well tonight." I say pleased

"Why thank you Ms.Sharp." Jon jokes in a southern accent

I just laugh at him and roll my eyes

"Hey you want to get out of here and go somewhere quieter to talk?" He asks with a shy smile

I guess you could say that we really crashed this bar, majority of the team are out on the dance floor, while the others are passed out at the bar.

"I'd liked that." I smile

Jon leads me out by taking a hold of my hand and intertwining our fingers

I can already feel a smile works its way onto my face

We somehow made it out of the bar, in one piece without getting lost in the sea of people.

Once we're out, he doesn't let go of my hand, and I don't mind.

We continue on walking God knows where, considering we don't even know our way around this city.

Luckily our hotel is walking distance from the bar, so we shouldn't get lost to much.

I hope.

We walk silence for a few minutes, and I got to admit I enjoy his company, it's just comforting to have him around.

"Those were two beauties of goals you scored back there." I tease looking up at him

"You think?"

I just nod

Jon just stops walking, turns so that he's facing me and smirks

"Good cause I scored them for you."

I can already feel my face start to heat up, luckily its dark enough, so it's not noticeable.

Not exactly sure what to say, I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him in for a hug, which he gladly returns, wrapping his arms around my lower back.

"Thank you." I say into his chest once pulling away

Jon doesn't say anything, all he does is press a soft kiss to forehead. If I wasn't blushing before, I am for sure now.

We continue on walking, still with my hand in his.

On our little stroll, we come across a beach where we finally stopped to take in the view.

It was dark out but still light enough to see the stars.

We lay there side by side on our butts, gazing at the stars.

"You know what my dad used to tell me?"

"What's that?"

"When I was little, every night before he tucked me in he would tell "to be a star you must shine your own light, follow your own path and don't worry about the darkness, for that is when the stars shine the brightest."

"He sounds like a very wise man." Jon smiles

"He was." I smile thinking back to all of our good times together as a family

Why did you have to leave me Dad?

" ok?" Jon asks concern filling his face

"Hmm? Oh ye-ah I'm fine." I stutter

Jon gives me another concern look, obviously not believing me

But I assure him by giving him a small smile

I can tell he's still not a hundred percent sure

"I'm fine, seriously Jon." I chuckle "Now what were you saying?"

"I was thinking once we get back to Chicago...If you would like to go out on a date with me?" He says giving me a nervous smile

Is he seriously asking me out?

"Is Captain Serious really asking me out?" I tease him Oh My God!

"Yeah he is." Jon chuckles "So what do you say...?"

"I would love to!" I smile at him

"Good cause I wasn't taking no for an answer."

I just laugh

We sit there in silence, once again with our bottoms in the sand, but this time I have my head on his shoulder and his arm securely wrapped around me. Never felt more safe than here, in his arms.

I can feel my eyes start to droop when Jon whispers

"Make a wish darling."

Just as a shooting star shoots across the sky

"My wish is you."


I hope you guys like this chapter, I really enjoyed writing it!! So tell me what you think!!

Anyway good news Hawks advance to the Finals, to take on the Tampa Bay Lightning!! Game one is Wednesday!! Let's Go Hawks!!!


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