Chapter 11

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"The past will often attack the present with the pain of your memories."

Riley's POV

It's been a few days, since the whole incident with Patrick. He actually took it pretty well if you ask me, beside the fact he nearly tried to kill Jon. It wasn't so much us being friends, it was more of coming home, from Jon's, after midnight. You can see why my uncle nearly tried to rip Jon's head off, but after being pulled off of Jon by the other players, and after a long talk with Abby. He came to his senses, or more like Abby came to his senses, and realized that we're just friends and nothing else happened that night. Other then that, I guess you can say everything pretty much is back to normal. In a matter of fact I'm just coming back from shopping, with Mia. It was basically a girl's day out. We talked, I told her about the other night, and how my uncle reacted. She nearly peed her pants, when I told her that Patrick nearly ripped her brother's head off.

I sing along with the radio as Words As Weapons starts playing, just as I pulled into the driveway.

I feel your knife as it goes right in

I get out still humming the words

Cut to my core but I'm not bleeding

Walking to the house I see a car that I don't recognize

I shrug it off "Maybe it's one of Patrick's teammates"

All that you say trying to make me small

Walking in house, I find Patrick and Abby in the living with Emma...

Well, the bigger you get the harder you fall

"Well If it isn't Riley." She smirks

I look over to Patrick and he gives me that look that says "Be nice"

"What a pleasant surprise it is to see you, Emma?" I force a smile

Patrick just gives me thumbs up

"Wish I could say the same to you."

You use your words as a weapon dear

I just roll my eyes at her

"Oh now why is that?" I ask

Not caring for what she has to say

"Well you should know, you caused it!"

But your blades don't hurt when you have no fear

I roll my eyes at her once again

"Now what would that be?" I ask a least bit interested where this conversation is going

"How about that my father is dying, and your the one to blame!"

You think that you're deep under my skin

I roll my eyes at her once again, for a third time. "Man by the time this conversation ends, I'll have set a world record, of most eye roll."

"Emma!!!" Abby yells

Which is surprising cause Abby never yells

"No Iet her! I'm sick of her, always trying to start shit." I say pissed off a little

You're trying to keep me suffering

"Hey now, I'm not trying to start anything, I'm simply just speaking the truth!" She smirks

"Oh, now what would you know about that?" I snort

"Well let's see I do know that, mom left because of you, and that your the reason why Chase is dead." She smiles evilly

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