|| Hurt ||

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(( TW: slight NSFW ))

Her skin looked especially tasty under the red light, her voluminous lips opening and closing every now and then, letting out short gasps of air. Even though he was her enemy, Nicole found Douma especially amusing and... kind of really cute. His half closed rainbow eyes staring into nothing particularly just made her hold his head between her two palms. "Eyes on me, pretty boy", she  slowly traced her finger down her  body, from the tip of her chin to her chest, taking her bra slowly off and continuing what she was previously doing, leaving bitemarks all over his body. Soft groans filled the room as Nicole climbed on top of Douma's body, pressing herself against him, her hand slowly going back to his cock.

She didn't know why she didn't grow bored of him yet. Her excitement just kept rising as she started pleasing the blonde haired demon, making him moan so loud the rest of the group from the other room could hear him. Nicole though, wouldn't allow that kind of behavior. Violently, she pushed two fingers into Douma's mouth, his moans dying out as he began to choke on her, tears forming innthe corners of his eyes. She was careless and on accident, one of Douma's fangs brushed against her finger, making a shallow cut on it.


Nicole's eyes widened, her arm was already in a grasp of much stronger, bigger one. The handcuffs broke, she cursed as she remained motionless. How did he free himself so easily? Could he have done that from the very beginning? "You made one grave mistake lady... ah, Nicole", Douma's ice cold voice broke trough the previously made atmosphere between the two. "You, you tricked me-"

"Tricked you? You wanted to eat us", Nicole's voice remained steady, she didn't want for her group to come... yet. "Still! You, you should be ashamed! You did such shameful acts, y-you-", Douma's hand reached out to Nicole, grabbing her by the leg and pulling her underneath himself. Now the roles were switched, Nicole closed her eyes tightly, preparing to die a shameful death, not on a battlefield like she had wanted but in a bed.

(Love is a battlefield~~)

She opened her mouth to call for her companions when Douma quickly put a hand over her mouth. "Now you are going to experience the same thing that I went trough just now.", tears welled up on the sides of her eyes as the grip around her mouth tightened. So this is how it felt? Being powerless? Nicole felt utterly miserable and ready to accept her ugly fate. However, just as she thought her torture would begin, the grip around her mouth loosened. Confused, Nicole slowly opened her eyes, only to feel couple of droplets fall down on her cheeks. "This isn't what I- this wasn't what I wanted at all!", Douma lifted his shaky arm up from the girl underneath him, putting it over his own mouth. The fuzziness from earlier was gone and replaced with an ugly feeling. Ah a feeling. An appearance not easy for him to explain. It was dark, it ate him from inside out, it engulfed his heart and other organs, making him choke on it.

"I am not like that...", he whispered to himself as more tears fell down on Nicole's face. She heard him too, and she did pity him. She pitied him enough to kill him on this very spot. While distracted, Nicole brought up her leg closer to her body and with one strong push, made Douma land on his back besides the bed. He couldn't even regain his balance, a knife was placed against his throat. He looked at the one that wielded it and sighed defeteadly, like a being that has nothing more to lose. "Do it then, if you've had enough fun with me. I guess I'm not of any use to you anymore.", he chuckled dryly. The nichrin knife cut into his flesh, his blood slowly dripping down the side of his neck. Douma coughed out a bit of it, but remained still, accepting his fate. Nicole was for the very first time in her life, hesitant to kill the embodiment of evil before her.

What she did moments before didn't bother her at all, but hearing about her own actions from his point of view, she began doubting herself. What I did... wasn't nice...but-!!
Nicole shook her head once more,  knife held by both of her arms shook as she went in for a kill. This creature before her most likely killed a whole town's population during its life. Looking down at Douma, calculating where the best spot to stab to end this quickly would be, she made eye contact with the demon. That look he was giving her, the look of a defenseless being in front of her shattered her heart, knife falling out of her grasp and falling onto the floor with a loud thud. A few seconds passed as both of them stared into eachother's souls, before Douma crawled out of her grasp and jumped trough the closest possible window, shattering the glass and running off into the night, jumping from one rooftop to another. Nicole, still in a state of shock, remained on the side of the bed, tracing her fingers against the grip marks around her mouth.

Unconsciously, she started crying. The door of the guest room flew widenopen as her companions came to her aide. "Ah... too bad it escaped~", Monika said as she picked up the bloodied glass of the escapee. "Should we go after it?", a somewhat crazed look plastered over her face as she imagined all the torture to put that demon trough when she-

A "No." from Nicole cut flow of her thoughts. "Just let it be, it's wounded and sun is almost up, it won't be long before he- ugh", she tried to stand up but one of her legs gave out so she lost her footing. Other than Monika, others panicked and ran over to her. "Careful now Nicole, you will hurt yourself", she was set on a sofa and placed a hand over her eyes. Monika on the other hand had a blank look on her face, eyeing the whole situation. There was no way that demon escaped on his own. Under that calm expression Monika was grinning like a madman.

'I am going to hunt you down like a coward that you are for running away from me!"

To be continued :0


Bro wtf Monika is a psycho confirmed, also Nicole enters redemption arc...

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