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As soon as the teacher arrived, the atmosphere in the room changed. The bully quickly sat down and pretended to be paying attention, while the other students welcomed the teacher with enthusiasm.

Everyone seemed relieved to have the safety and structure of a classroom environment, and the conversation quickly shifted to the topic of the day.

I glanced at Catherine, who gave me a smile of gratitude. I smiled back, relieved that the situation had been resolved without any more drama.

"You didn't have to do that," Catherine said as she filled the cup with water for the paintbrush.

"It was the least I could do," I replied. "I'm happy to help," I added with a smile.

"But you just made yourself an enemy of Beatrice," Catherine warned. "She won't forget what you did, and she won't forgive you either. Be careful around her from now on."

Catherine's words made me feel uneasy. I knew Beatrice was a powerful woman, and I had no desire to be on her bad side. I was determined to be more careful in the future.

I resolved to be more mindful of my words in order to avoid any further issues with Beatrice.

"Has she done anything bad that I should be worried about?" I asked Catherine.

She nodded gravely and said, "Beatrice has a history of making people's lives difficult if they cross her. Don't take her lightly and be sure to steer clear of her if you can. I wouldn't want you to be on the receiving end of her wrath."

I gulped, feeling a chill run down my spine at the thought of being on the wrong side of Beatrice.

I thanked her for the warning and resolved to stay away from Beatrice at all costs. I knew I had to be careful not to draw her attention in any way.

Grabbing the cup of water and began to mix the paint, I carefully dipped the brush into the desired color. I began to paint the wall, careful to avoid any mistakes as I wanted to make sure the job was done to perfection. As I painted, I glanced over at Beatrice who was watching me intently.

I felt a wave of nervousness wash over me as I saw Beatrice's piercing gaze on me. I felt like I was under a microscope and I had to be extra careful with my every move.

My hands trembled as I continued to paint, and I was filled with dread at the thought of making a mistake that would draw Beatrice's ire.

I took a deep breath, trying to focus on my task in order to finish it as quickly as possible. I chose each stroke carefully, hoping to make it perfect. I meticulously blended each color as I worked, careful to make each line precise and even.

When I finished, I stepped back to admire my work. The picture I had drawn looked almost identical to the reference photo I had been given, and I couldn't help but feel proud of my accomplishment.

I quickly cleaned up and put away the supplies before scurrying away, eager to get away from Beatrice's watchful eye.

With my heart racing, I quickly gathered my supplies and made my way to the door. I had done my best to complete the task at hand and wanted to get away from Beatrice's prying eyes.

I breathed a sigh of relief as I stepped out into the hallway, grateful to be away from her scrutinizing gaze.

I quickly made my way to the cafeteria, eager to get a snack and take a break from Beatrice's intimidating presence. I grabbed a sandwich and an iced tea and sat down at a corner table, taking a moment to relax and enjoy my meal.

"What do you like?" The server asked in the cafeteria.

I smiled gratefully at the server and said, "I'll have a turkey sandwich and an iced tea, please. That sounds perfect!"

My Black InheritanceWhere stories live. Discover now