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Coming out to family

Tankhun continued: I will take one hour of your day and it is mandatory,if you miss one day you would get punishment and would have to stay extra hour. Tankhun shook Porsche and asked him you got it right. Ye ... Yes,I got it.
Tankhun then pushed him a little and said I am waiting eagerly, Okay? Then go ,he said whilst flipping his hair back. Porsche nod his head and aimed for exist almost knowing that he got one shot two birds which was not as good as the adage he is trapped in a loop.

Porsche took his bike and went to hospital and entered Jom's room welcomed by inquiring eyes of Aki and Jom.

Aki asked Porsche, where did you vanish out of blue? Jom panicked and inquired" You really did not go there and confessed, Right?"
Porsche said obviously I went and good news I am going to pursue my job. I will throw a party when you come back to normal. Jom was perplexed and screamed at him , You are joking,right? Porsche this isn't a play. Your life will be in danger. I ... I.. I was just panicked and said whatever I got in my mind. Go go and nullify. I won't blame you. Please just take it back!

Porsche held Jom and spoke, Hey bro, It is my dream come true and more fierce dream is obviously there would be that much risk . Don't get worked up, you just made me take stepping stone it was my dream and it got fulfilled in least expected way. I got no worries and I will be the same just a difference I will get less time to waste and I will not be quitting my part time . I will do it in different shifts so cool down,be happy for me!

Aki interrupted, Wait, What about Porschay and your uncle. Porsche replied," Well Porschay is going to be looking into Universities and I we will get together just like before. Uncle told me he is going to move out as his gambling got us into debt like that, well I asked him to so that we all could be unbothered about the future and not nourish bitterness

Guys now let me complete tomorrow at noon I am going to seal the contract so tomorrow it's on me! Obviously no alcohol as day after tomorrow is going to be first day at work. Jom, You are getting discharge today ,I met doctor and had already full the bill. How are you feeling now, Can you walk?

Jom said, I really did not want you to end up like that.

Porsche said,"I already told you, it's not you, It's because I want this I want to do this. Now tell me are you feeling energetic after all this drip? Do you feel super power? Do you feel like floating, anything, nothing?

Jom smiled and said I feel I have superpower to sleep anytime anywhere . My body is sore. I feel like I have been through washing machine and have been spread to dry.

Take that easy , you are gonna be back into people so prepare mentally you should take rest after getting home to stable your normal life and take leave for a couple of days. Obviously no one is gonna come for you assured Porsche and continued I will settle the discharge and Aki we will vacate this in a hour or even before so get ready.

Ok then

They completed formalities, Porsche and Aki took Jom to Porsche place.

Jom you are going to be living here for a while. My brother would be here when I am not here and take care of both of you and important thing is you are resting no working.

Okay came reply.

I will be back , I am gonna prepare dinner and obviously going to open up to brother so wish me good luck!

Porsche went to kitchen after saying this to be honest he is nervous about Porschay's response. He thought that he will go for Porschay's favourite dish and within the time Porschay returned food was on the table. Porsche asked everyone to come for dinner and after 15 minutes Porschay,Jom,Aki was present in the table.

Porschay was happy seeing his favourite dish and happily said to his brother," Brother thankyou for preparing this I was craving to have this"

Porsche smiled a little and said, Yes,I thought so and this is for my dear brother and eat fast okay?

Porschay could say that the his brother is bothered but he thought to ask after dinner.

After eating Porschay was helping Porsche and Porschay asked , Brother,is there something you want to tell me like I feel you want .

"Porschay, Please leave the dishes and sit  ; Okay and he sat and Porsche also sat next and took his brother's hand and said Porschay don't get tensed okay, he nodded to it . You know my ambition don't you?

Yes,You have said it from childhood,you wanted to be a bodyguard.

Oh yeah and tomorrow I am becoming one!

What, bro,then what about work,you will come home right?

Obviously,but I would come more late according to contract you will be informed about any difference but other than that I won't be able to connect you during my work there.

Okay brother,I am so happy about it,but please don't get hurt. To be honest I want to tell you not to go and I am letting you go because I feel you should have a say in your life. I will be waiting here and if you get hurt I am not gonna talk with you.

Okay, okay,I won't get hurt. Tomorrow will be my first day

Tomorrow,why , don't, I mean isn't it too fast?

Cool down I am gonna be okay now,I will take care of dishes you go and sleep.

Porschay's eye welled up thinking of letting his brother after all it's just him and his brother. Porschay cried into sleep with a bothered heart but got relaxed when his brother hugged him tight and spooned him into sleep

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