For you:7

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First day in Minor family

Oh leave it all ! Porschay what are you going to pursue , like have you decided yet . Don't worry about what you were , what all loopholes where there in your education.

Your future just needs your experience, your flaws and most importantly you should not take a career for money but a career that would never question you ethically.

Don't cheat your heart but at the same time you should know that everything needs a minimum eligibility and you know that you can't par that eligibility try all you got and of you can't you should have other options too but when you are at it . Just focus on it no time no day no night you and your career and that doesn't mean to live like a monk. We live once and we don't know when we meet with soulmate,love , despair, happiness seperation and death. So as important is your future you need good time with your present both for a happy present and a happy future. In future when you look back there would be regrets but try to avoid regrets so that there would not be guilt and one main thing is that someone's life is more than everything .

While we are on it. Porschay baby you know that I love you right. If any day there comes a day when I say to run just run don't look back . You may think and I say you would not as I am only family you have but no we have ... Uhh I got a phone call.

Oh shoot I forgot yes yes I am on my way.

Porschay I gotta go bye sweet day baby. Porsche made his way giving little brother goodbye kiss.

All the way to the minor family!!

Oh good gracious I don't know minor family what am I gonna do. Oh Big called me right,he would guide me right.

Here we are minor family to be honest I messed up even before it started well probably. Even though big seemed to be a tough guy he was more stressed than me as if I am his best friend. I mean he is not that bad.

As I was getting ready to get in I was pulled to the side dragging me all way to the attendance block and I could guess the man as he frantically looking out of doors probably checking. It was big.When he saw me his eye showed how he would have smacked me if he was near. I did my check in and he literally pushed me to join the line. He said that the heirs are coming in and we are here to welcome them.

As I looked here comes the exact person Tankhun described , Big introduced him as Vegas and He acknowledged our presence by tilting his head and when I was going to back off he pulled me back in . Really Porsche you know right that there are two heirs not just one . He is on his way just as he finished I heard footsteps probably the young heir and the boy was on his phone but wait a minute that face I know it from somewhere.

A gaurd came to big and exchanged words after which he checked me and led me towards the hall. There was the brothers looking at us.

"Oh you are the newest recruit the fake name guy. I tilted my head and introduced myself,Yes Mr Vegas I am Porsche Pachara kittisawat. I am the new recruit and this is my first day here on duty.

Oh okay and you look good ."

"Oh brother do you know I have a senior who is just like him. "

Oh oh my gosh ,senior. I mean Hi.

"Oh Macau don't panick it's our home amd you , you are his senior I look forward for your eyes in him on the campus."

"Okay Mr Vegas."

"Then you may leave."


"Brother do you know I am big fan of him . He is just a little older but rumours were that he was qualified as a bodyguard and has great stamina and he always help me. "

"Oh then it's your time impress your senior with all you got. You got this and take this advice Anything that doesn't make our run incomplete help us to complete the run. If he comes in good terms maybe you could get another big brother and someone who will protect you with all he got."


"Hello ,Hello"
"Oh Zia I can hear you"
"Hey elder brother come with me for lunch Tomorrow I will let you meet my boyfriend and I bet you he's a complete and could compete to your dear cousin."

"Ohhh Okay hmm. "

"When is the lunch today?"

"Noo tomorrow."

"Then today it is . I will be here at Ten's and better be here in one hour unless you would like a day binging my kdramas"


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