For you 03

125 5 15

First day:

Porschay woke from sleep feeling the warmth gone but he just snuggled into the warmth to get morning nap.

Porsche woke up early and went for shower after morning workout. He is all set for the day. He made Porschay a energy drink and was preparing breakfast . Porsche woke him and asked him to come down after shower. Porschay came after 15 minutes and food was all set. They had breakfast and though it started in silence Porsche assured him that it's his dream and this fierce dream of his could bring risk but he would be there always for his aid in all the time. Though at first he thought he should assure him saying there is no risk he decided to stick to the truth.

Anybody could see how the breakfast table was cold as Porschay just swallowed everything and went up. Porsche did frown but did he except that his little brother would jump in joy hearing it comes with risk and top of all that only family he has now to say for sure.

Well it was taken a little off when Porschay asked him goodbye kiss before he went off to school. The time was ticking and Porsche was at Theerapanyakul residence at 12:45 and was granted pass . He entered the hallway and as much as he wants to not think about the eldest heir the eyes are pulling him towards it's owner. The feeling that you should and at the same you should not is bothering him to a extent but he is not that fragile to let his inner thought fog his etiquette. So he held himself in grace.

It was 12:50 and he was called in and handed contract papers that he read in the fastest way possible and nodded in agreement. A pen was handed to him to sign and like this he became the bodyguard of Theerapanyakul.

Kinn shooked hand with a professional manner. He continued. So Mr Porsche you are officially welcomed to the Theerapanyakul bodyguard.

As stated you can start your duty officially from tomorrow but today onwards you are on your duty. Please take this time to adapt to the compound and know about family matters.

Ok thanks

Big will accompany you.

I am Bible, a man who tied his hair into a man bun stretched his hands towards me that I shook.

We came out and first thing he asked me is to take my belonging and we are going to my dorm.

I took my bag as I came back . Big had someone beside him and he introduced himself as Ken.

Ken and Big kept a professional space between us without giving a awkward silence. They started to go opposite of main hall and was welcomed into a gate where the badge of Big opened gate into a room heading to another hallway. I was given a form that I filled with my information and put my mobile phone into a basket which was transferred in matter of time. I was then led to Swimming pool just rough idea was given enough for me to fill the blanks, then shooting range and then to dorm we were welcomed with a man who had the most enchanting smile working out himself infront of mirror to be honest the room was filled with my laughter and he introduced himself as Pete this guy did not gave a bestie wave but it was enough to be rest assured. I placed my bag on the side and I was asked to change if necessary and I just removed blazer .

They led me to another hallway and ended up on a dark room where a well built man ,the head bodyguard introduced himself and Ken and Big took their leave.

I was seated there with projection highlighting information about Theerapanyakul with photo and a rough sketch and after that part came Theerapanyakul bussines information. The last part was rules for bodyguard

And the whole summary is
*Theerapanyakul is devided into two

Major and Minor
Their relationship is just like sibling . Wars are broken out fairly anytime and deaths is the only outcome that is not in the book

*Being bodyguard means you are not on either side. Major and Minor family should be viewed with same eyes and when clash brake out you will be on the side you were when clash breaks

*There is bodyguard shift every week they switch houses in Friday afternoon and it is according to schedule . The weekend there is half shift. When shift is over you are free till the next shift.

*No dating rules but dating in Theerapanyakul family is all on the once who choose the path and consequences too if it's the heirs.

* Any type of punishment may it be ,you can choose time but it cannot be cancelled.
  in your life but in that case the contract will be annulled.

He was given his schedule
Kinn the main one to guard in major family ,Tankhun next and kim the last.

In Minor family Vegas and Macau according to the heirs.

To seperate each household in major family in white and black suit or uniform and in minor family casual clothing. It should sound weird to anyone but for Porsche it's good structure.

He was given a break placing water bottle by his side. As the clock ticked 5 minutes Another slideshow started.

It was the training task and principles to complete. It was a little hardcore than personal training and phones are prohibited to bring inside further the desk after that he was lead to a hall filled with black and white suits.

Before he knew it was already 7 pm. He showered and as he was drying his hair Pete came and gave heads up building my confidence high.

We were having dinner when the hall went silent all of sudden and you could feel the the intensity of new arrival the step he took made me sure it was Tankhun and there was no doubt left when he could hear that leisure voice asking to continue and his presence is nearing me that when it hit me, I had a one hour schedule with Tankhun. I looked up to him a radiant anger foging the air near him.

I know if I need to not go crazy I have to act fastly and the best I could think was done only to rethink the decision.

Tankhun was on my lap with his mouth filled with noodles . I actually did a big big error as I can see his face redden with passing minute. Actually what happened was the deed was suitable for my younger brother that too a little while ago not the fancy heir in the worst side Pete has his shirt wet and Tankhun's personal gaurds shutting their mouth. I pulled him by my hands and made him sit and to thank all goodness for replacing the act and I just sat opposite with all my might trying not to burst into laughter. He just said "Well I should be punishing you right now but because you made up with the noodles you are just to do a half hour program with me . And if you had fell in love with me I would appreciate the way you pulled me, not this time. I liked it though he flipped his hair before asking Pete to lead me to where he is going.

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