For you : 12

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Porschay's Outburst

" Uhm hey Porschay, I am Zoya. We saw each other when our mom's stayed together" Zoya introduced herself and looked to Porschay.

" Uhm , oh then you are Big brothers, I mean Porsche's sister perhaps" said Porschay

"Yeah , but he is still your brother too, you know right "

"You mean , we are siblings" said Porschay.

"Yeah , right . So nice to see you again" Zoya leaned in for a hug and Porschay have with  smile.

Porsche went abruptly to Porschay and said " Chay , Here Zia is here too"

" Por.. I mean bro.. ther . I can still call you that right?"

“ Why would you ask something that trivial, You are my brother and you always would be my brother"

Then I should greet my sister there, " Oh hi , Nice to meet you. Look who's here, Zia , Porschay's great sister who always loved her little brother more than anything and screamed to not be apart. Such a great sister you are.

You just wanted to be saved. What about me? What about Porsche he had to leave his sister for you and you did nothing but take her hands and drag her with you. Atleast you hugged Porsche not minding me  who you were gonna leave. Not even a good bye for me . I knew you never loved me but how could you pull someone else with you to save their life when basically that was time you could hug me. Why did not you.

Only we knew that we were the real siblings and they would not lay their eyes on Zoya but yet you did not even wave while.. .. while they were crying rivers. Do you know ,Porsche cried all the time after I closed my eyes and won't speak up, and even in  particular days he will hid his photograph and cry under blanket looking. I would not be surprised you would have gotten that album into fore because you never liked me. Why did you come. Oh well to see Porsche right afterall you both are friends "

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