Chapter 8: Lucy VS. Wendy

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The Celestial Wizard vs. The Sky Dragon Slayer!!!!

So I have to fight Wendy, well I have to give it everything I've got!

"Open Gate of the Lion, Loke!" Loke appeared and winked at me.

"Hey Lucy, what do you need?" I rolled my eyes.

"This is the Fairy Tail Tournament, I need to beat Wendy to move on so do your thing!" He nodded and charged Wendy with his glowing fists.

"Sky Dragon Roar!" Loke dodged the attack and punched Wendy back and into the ground.

"AHH!" I frowned.

"I'm so sorry Wendy, I hope you can forgive me after this is all over..." I muttered.

"Sky Dragon Wing Attack!" She hit Loke as he was turning away.


"Damn, sorry Lucy I let my guard down." He said disappearing.

"Time for another spirit... Open Gate of the Ram, Aries!"

Maybe if I can use Wendy's kindness against her then I can win this.

"I'm sorry..." Aries said appearing.

"Get her Aries!"

"Yes Miss Lucy." Aries used her pink puffy cloud attack and threw it at Wendy.

"Ahaha! That tickles!" She said floating around on the clouds.

"I'm sorry I couldn't have been of more help Miss Lucy." Aries said disappearing.

"You did just fine Aries. Open Gate of the Golden Bull, Taurus!" Taurus appeared with his giant ax.

"Hey Miss Lucy, might I say you're looking extra fine today."

"ENOUGH YOU PERVERT! Get her!" Taurus turned and swung his ax.

"Anything for you Miss Lucy."

"AHH!!" I heard Wendy scream before dropping to the ground.

Her body unconscious.

"The winner of the first match is Lucy Heartfilia!" Master Makarov called and everyone cheered.

I did it! I won!

Crystal's POV

Wendy lost...

I got up from my seat and walked over to Wendy as she regained consciousness.

"I'm so weak!" She said tears running down her face.

"You are not, remember you're still young, Lucy has had more time to develop her magic. You did just fine my little dragon slayer." She gave me a small smile as I wiped her tears away. "We'll get stronger by training together, alright?" She nodded determination in her eyes.

That's my Sky Dragon Slayer!

I picked her up and carried her over to the side by the judges table and put her down just as Guildarts was calling out the next match.

"The next match will be between Gajeel Redfox and Levy McGarden!"

Gajeel and Levy fighting?!

What has Master Makarov done?!

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